Eclipses are always times of great changes: in part, because they bring new situations into our lives, initiate endings and make new information surface. The other part is that eclipses bring what’s already happening underneath the surface to a boil.
Expect: destiny knocking on your door, old conflicts flaring up (only to be released), final endings, seeds of new beginning, information coming up that changes everything.

An Introduction
This eclipse is the start of a larger cycle. On July 12th, 2023, the Lunar Nodes (also known as the axis of eclipses, as eclipses can only form on and around these Nodes) have changed into the signs of Aries and Libra. This is the first eclipse since then: conjunct the South Node of release, past karma, and transformation, it is the start of a brand new chapter in the story of our personal Destiny. How this eclipse impacts us personally depends on our birth charts, but there are some themes that we’ll all feel in some way.
Eclipses come in a sequence
Eclipses always come in pairs or triplets. This time, we have two eclipses in a row; one on October 14th, and one on October 28th. This first one is a so-called Solar Eclipse, which means that it falls onto a New Moon – and that our view of the Sun may be blocked completely or diluted. (Unfortunately, not everyone will see the eclipse in their part of the world.)
New Moons are always about beginnings and the Solar Eclipse is no exception: whatever happens for us right now, it’ll be the start of something new, a new theme that has been teased since April 2023, but only fully comes into fruition as the Nodes travel through Aries and Libra from July 12th 2023 to early 2025. Whatever happens in your life on and around this date (specifically the month before and after), pay attention. The theme will stick with you.
The Lunar Nodes in Aries and Libra
On an eclipse, both Nodes are important, even if it’s just one that’s directly impacted. The North Node is all about where we’re going: in Aries, this is about individuality, your sense of self, your ability to know what you want and assertively go for it. I have an article with in-depth predictions about what the North Node brings into your life.
The South Node is about what needs to be re-worked, let go of, or focused on less. With this point in Libra, this is about your relationships with other people and the way you interact socially. It’s also about what you’re willing to do to keep the peace and preserve harmony, and where you contort yourself to fit in. I have an article, also with in-depth interpretations, about this transit here.
Under this astrological event, false peace inevitably leads to conflict – and this Solar Eclipse will be the beginning of that theme.

The Solar Eclipse on the South Node:
Solar Eclipses are about new beginnings and seeds being sown, the South Node is about letting go – how does this come together? Often, a new beginning can only come when a door has fallen shut. As long as we’re torn between options or lifepaths like a donkey between two troughs of food, there will be no movement forward. This Solar Eclipse shows us two things: one, where we need to shut the door to proceed. Two, where (and how) we can proceed after a door has fallen shut on us.
But there’s more than just that. Solar Eclipses in Libra conjunct the South Node show us where we need to change the status quo: too often, we lollygag through life with methods that are actually not that great (or in a direction that ain’t that great for us) but it kind of works out so we don’t change anything. These events show us why the current way of doing things isn’t appropriate even if does work (kind of) and why it’ll damage us in the long run. “I can’t continue like this,” is a very common thought that pops into people’s head with events like this.
With Mars in Scorpio and Venus in Virgo, this is a time to get clear answers and honest information. Many of us will be surprised about what topics and themes crop up around this astrological event, but whatever you find out: act accordingly. This is not a time to ignore or brush off what you’ve found out without paying a hefty fee later on.
Again, this is the first eclipse of a set: two weeks later, what happens today will come to a boil. Act wisely, and you’ll be just fine.
The Price of False Peace
False peace is telling your kid to placate the bully so you don’t have to keep going to “intervention talks” with teachers and other parents. It’ll be a stopgap measure at best, but it definitely sows the seeds for future conflict. At worst, it even creates worse fights because the bully learned that all they have to do is behave badly, and they’ll get what they want. Guess how they’ll treat your kid when they want something next?
Sometimes, lasting peace is earned through argument and boundaries… not submission and holding your tongue. Sometimes, skipping the nasty way to peace is what brings about conflict that can’t be resolved anymore.
The main theme for this Solar Eclipse is where in our lives we placate the proverbial bully and therefore enable their bad behavior. This can be rules of society, this can be at work – it’ll definitely be in intimate relationships, as this is something Libra rules – and it can even be with family members. Any conflicts that happen at this time need to be addressed, not swept under the rug – or they’ll explode later on.
How you deal with said conflict is up to you… and the situation you find yourself in.
As Libra deals with romantic love (and arts, among other things), the love we have for other people and vice versa is a major theme of this event. This is a fantastic time to meet new people (especially people you feel a fated connection with). But it’s also a test on your relationship. Relationships that aren’t healthy may struggle, relationships in a bad place may have the ability to fix their issues, and relationships that are healthy and full of love may thrive.
People you’re connected to (romantically and otherwise) may also leave your life if that’s what’s meant to happen. If yes, then the break is final. Under an eclipse, no one leaves your life who would come back or was meant to stay.
In the Signs
Check your Sun and Rising Signs here!
This eclipse falls into your house of long-term relationships and relationships with contractual obligations (f.e., clients). This means that the themes around love and other people are highlighted even more than for other people: pay attention to your relationships and read The North Node in Aries, as you’ll be most affected by this.
Please keep in mind that your personal astrological blueprint (natal chart) is more complex than your Sun and Rising Signs. Consider booking a reading if you’d like information that’s more tailored to your unique experience.
This eclipse falls into your house of health, well-being, service, work environment, and work-life balance. This is a great time to get check-ups done as any and everything festering under the surface can be more easily diagnosed (because it comes up to the surface). Also, this time may show a change at work or an influx in tasks you need to get done, slash a more pronounced need for rest if you’ve been overdoing things. Listen to your body!
Please keep in mind that your personal astrological blueprint (natal chart) is more complex than your Sun and Rising Signs. Consider booking a reading if you’d like information that’s more tailored to your unique experience.
This eclipse falls into your house of romance, children, arts, and pleasure. This may be a good time to start adding to your family (or to use protection). This time may also mark a change in your creative life and/or love life. Pay attention to people who enter or leave your life at this time as they’ll show you quite clearly who they truly are, deep down.
Please keep in mind that your personal astrological blueprint (natal chart) is more complex than your Sun and Rising Signs. Consider booking a reading if you’d like information that’s more tailored to your unique experience.
This eclipse falls into your house of the home, the heart, and your family. This may mark a change in your physical home or family system: pay attention to any physical issues in the place you live and fix them quickly. You may also build a different relationships to your physical and metaphorical roots or find out new information about your ancestors or family history.
Please keep in mind that your personal astrological blueprint (natal chart) is more complex than your Sun and Rising Signs. Consider booking a reading if you’d like information that’s more tailored to your unique experience.
This eclipse falls into your house of siblings, communication, thinking, learning, and local life (including short-term travel). You may stumble over lots of life-changing information at this time, so please pay attention. You may also start a new hobby where you learn or teach things you’ve never heard of before or see lasting changes in the lives of your siblings, neighbors, or your local community. Short term travel may be necessary or bring a change to your life.
Please keep in mind that your personal astrological blueprint (natal chart) is more complex than your Sun and Rising Signs. Consider booking a reading if you’d like information that’s more tailored to your unique experience.
This eclipse falls into your house of money, resources, worth, self-worth, and values. This eclipse is a great time to check where your money is going (or not going) and what you can change up in the financial systems in your life. Also, it’s a good time to become honest to how your self-worth and values impact your relationships: is what you see healthy and aligned for you? If not, this is a great time to work on yourself and change it.
Please keep in mind that your personal astrological blueprint (natal chart) is more complex than your Sun and Rising Signs. Consider booking a reading if you’d like information that’s more tailored to your unique experience.
This eclipse happens in your house of self, identity, the body, and new beginnings. You are being most impacted by this eclipse: expect a big impact on your life and the way you view your life path. Check this article on the South Node in Libra for further information.
Please keep in mind that your personal astrological blueprint (natal chart) is more complex than your Sun and Rising Signs. Consider booking a reading if you’d like information that’s more tailored to your unique experience.
This eclipse happens in your house of rest, release, endings, karma, spirituality, and kindness. At this time, you may notice how past patterns keep you trapped in a reality you didn’t want – and how kindness and altruism can either tangle you up more, or set you free from this. Any doors closing at this time of your life were never meant to be open to you: trust what’s happening. (At this time, you may need lots and lots of rest: it may be wise to schedule accordingly).
Please keep in mind that your personal astrological blueprint (natal chart) is more complex than your Sun and Rising Signs. Consider booking a reading if you’d like information that’s more tailored to your unique experience.
This eclipse happens in your house of social contacts, friends, allies, groups of people, social media, hopes, dreams, and plans for the future. Expect everything that happens right now to have a large impact on the future you’re trying to build for yourself (and your perspective on your dreams, too). Also, social situations and social media may become catalysts of change: you may see changes in your friend groups, too, and may leave some people behind.
Please keep in mind that your personal astrological blueprint (natal chart) is more complex than your Sun and Rising Signs. Consider booking a reading if you’d like information that’s more tailored to your unique experience.
This eclipse happens in your house of career, mission, reputation, and public life. At this time, pay close attention to what does and doesn’t work for you in those areas of life: tweak and release them immediately before the issues fester. Lastly, you may experience changes with authority figures (like your parents, bosses, governments, etc.) that are profound for you. Be sure to pay attention to what’s going on behind the scenes, especially if you’re currently trying to get a new job.
Please keep in mind that your personal astrological blueprint (natal chart) is more complex than your Sun and Rising Signs. Consider booking a reading if you’d like information that’s more tailored to your unique experience.
This eclipse happens in your house of belief systems, the foreign world, and higher education. At this time, pay close attention to how your beliefs shape your life – and your relationships – and whether they truly serve you. Travel to foreign places and committing yourself to learning or teaching new things can have a profound impact on you at this time.
Please keep in mind that your personal astrological blueprint (natal chart) is more complex than your Sun and Rising Signs. Consider booking a reading if you’d like information that’s more tailored to your unique experience.
This eclipse happens in your house of intimacy, shared resources, renewal, and depth. Eclipses in this house can always be intense, specifically when it comes to relationships. Make sure to be and stay honest, listen to your intuition about people, and don’t brush off information about people as unimportant. Lastly, schedule some time off around this time: you’ll likely need it.
Please keep in mind that your personal astrological blueprint (natal chart) is more complex than your Sun and Rising Signs. Consider booking a reading if you’d like information that’s more tailored to your unique experience.
This was my article on the first eclipse in this season – stay tuned for the second on October 28th, 2023: the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus.
Further Reading:
See you then,