Astrology can do a lot of positive things for us. One of them is to boost our mental and emotional health – and two very basic parts of astrology are responsible for that: the sun and the Moon.
So, in this series of articles, we’ll jump into the 12 signs of the zodiac and how your Sun and your Moon operate in them. Then, we’ll go over the 12 houses (mathematical portions of the sky derived from your exact birth time, each portion signifies an area of life) to show you where you need to put your focus for optimal happiness and mental health.
But first, what is the Moon in astrology?
The Moon in the nutshell is our bodies, our emotions, our unconscious, our hearts, souls, and happiness. When we live into our moons, we feel healthy. Even if we have a broken leg or other types of injury, we feel like there’s nothing wrong with us and manage life’s ups and downs beautifully. We also feel whole, like there’s nothing missing in our lives or ourselves. Living into your Moon gives us a sense of life being joyful like we have something to get up for in the morning. We can enjoy things again and have healthy relationships with our emotions, our loved ones, and ourselves. While the sun helps reduce depression, the Moon helps prevent it entirely.
This leads me then to the house of the Moon (houses are portions in the sky that correlate with areas of life such as long-term relationships, friendships, career, health, finances, the self, etc.). The house the Moon falls into is one of the areas of life you need to focus on most to be happy and fulfilled. However, focusing a lot on that house isn’t everything: you also need to find a good and healthy way to live into that house. And that’s what we’re going to explore in this article.
The Key to happiness: The Moon in the Houses

I House
The house of self, identity, your life path, beginnings, initiative, leadership, your body, and how you meet the world.
With the Moon here, there’s not much of a filter between yourself and the world at large. Other people’s emotions may affect you a lot, as will the way other people treat you. Your relationships may deeply impact your identity and your family and home life may shape your personality to an unusually extreme point. So make sure the people you invite into your life aren’t the wrong ones. Make sure to draw boundaries when loved ones, even when it’s hard, and cultivate boundaries.
Privacy may be something you need every once in a while, as may be quiet time and time to dream and self-reflect. With this placement, your first love needs to be yourself, and the most nourishing thing you can do for yourself is to listen to your heart and pay attention to your dreams.
With this combination, part of what you need to be happy and healthy is a good and nourishing relationship with your body. Take good care of your body, because feeling good about yourself here (through adequate rest, healthy foods, foods you allow yourself to enjoy, good thoughts about yourself, etc.), will lead to your entire life feeling good to you. There will literally be no part of your life that won’t reflect the way you treat yourself and your physical shell. Your emotions will also impact your sense of self in big ways. So, learn when to calm down and how to emotionally care for yourself in the way you most need.
With this combination, you need relationships that are extremely caring and really healthy, as well as a good home life. You also need to step back from the world every once in a while and rest well. The rest of the chart may show how much.
(Please remember that the Moon in the house is just ONE piece of the puzzle. The placement is highly modified by the sign, ruler, and the aspects to the Moon and the ruler. Also, the overall chart has a major impact, so: please don’t run amok with this interpretation, but put it in context.)

II House
The house of money, finances, any property you can carry, self-esteem, and values – and the things you can and do monetize.
With the Moon here, what you really need to be happy and healthy is a good, stable financial situation. Ideally, one that can’t be shaken or disrupted even in a worldwide crisis. You may do well with maintaining or creating safety nets or emergency plans, or with being very intuitive about your money.
Another point here is your self-esteem. With this combination, cultivating self-esteem and self-respect is extremely important for your mental, emotional, and physical health. This is true for everyone, but for you, feeling insecure will have physical and/or unusually extreme emotional effects. It’s important for you to do whatever you need to do to treat yourself right and cultivate genuinely good feelings about yourself.
Body image and deriving value from productivity or one’s net worth are the most important topics here. People with the Moon in the second often see their body as a source of income so a) make sure to treat it right, b) don’t just value things about your body that will change, and c) don’t buy into the usual beauty standards for men or women. Learn to untangle yourself from unhealthy expectations here or you’ll suffer. With deriving your worth from productivity or your money: please never let it get to the point where you don’t eat or rest just to “work enough” or “make enough.” That’s the quickest way to burn out and people with this combination don’t do well with that. Also, you’re more than what you do or give to others, and you’re more than what you have. Believing differently may negatively impact your health or state of being, especially when things go badly.
So: cultivate a positive body image, whether you’re skinny or heavy or in between, a man or a woman or non-binary, strong or weak or just average, talented in physical things or not. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket when it comes to self-esteem: productivity can wax and wane, money can come and go, income can fluctuate and injuries can affect your capacities. Make sure one thing doesn’t knock you on your butt, and you’ll do well and be happy and healthy long-term.
(Please remember that the Moon in the house is just ONE piece of the puzzle. The placement is highly modified by the sign, ruler, and the aspects to the Moon and the ruler. Also, the overall chart has a major impact, so: please don’t run amok with this interpretation, but put it in context.)

III House
The house of communication, perception, language, thoughts, writing/speaking/learning/…, logic, neighbors, local life, early education, your childhood, the people you grew up with, siblings/cousins, and your equals.
The Moon here means that your thoughts and perceptions of the world really influence your body and feelings – and vice versa. With this combination, you may also have to learn that the world may seem extremely positive when you’re in a good mood, or extremely negative when you’re in a bad mood, but that your mood will shift again eventually – and so will your outlook. Because of this, it’s important to learn how to get back to a calm state, especially before making big decisions – and that you learn when not to take your emotions too seriously. Think kind thoughts about yourself and question extreme mindsets or judgments that live rent-free in your brain. Those things can lead you to an accurate and healthy outlook and overall reality.
Regular sleep, exercise, and meals make a huge impact on your mind and perceptions… so, if you struggle with ADHD, mental health issues, or neurological stuff, a daily routine of high-quality meals and sleep at regular hours plus good exercise will make a world of a difference. Translating your physical body’s needs and your emotions into words may also impact your health positively, both mentally and physically. This is because you’ll understand what you need and because you’re the type of person that receives a lot of nourishment and joy from talking their emotions out with others – or writing about them. Creative writing may also bring you a lot of joy.
The words you use and the ways that others talk to you have a huge impact on you, so don’t be afraid to set boundaries or edit your tribe accordingly. You may receive a lot of joy and satisfaction from learning and may feel at home on social media; you’re also very likely to enjoy a rich local life and be very emotionally impacted by your neighbors or extended family.
Your cousins, siblings, and other same-age people you grew up with play a huge role for you and make or break you in many ways. Making sure those relationships remain good and healthy will make a huge impact on your general health.
(Please remember that the Moon in the house is just ONE piece of the puzzle. The placement is highly modified by the sign, ruler, and the aspects to the Moon and the ruler. Also, the overall chart has a major impact, so: please don’t run amok with this interpretation, but put it in context.)

IV House
The house of home, family, roots, parents, the family you find, property you own, your private life, psychology.
Having the Moon here means that your inner life is extremely important to you. You need time to retreat from the world and recharge in the comfort of a safe, loving environment. Without enough introvert time, you likely go nuts, get depressed, and/or get sick.
This brings me to the second piece: you need that safe, loving home mentioned – and you don’t do too well if you have to keep changing it. But a home doesn’t just need to be consistent, it also needs to be good for you, which means you need two things: One, a space where you can be seen as you fully are by any people who live with you (if you choose to share your home with someone), and two a place within your home that is just for you. Where you can be alone and decide who gets access, how and when, and where you can just hide.
Privacy is extremely important for you. If you need to tell someone a secret, they should better not tell it to anyone else, otherwise, you get really hurt. That being said, you also need to open up to other people and share your inner world, and even your heart, with others. You’re very in tune with other people’s emotions and highly intuitive when it comes to members of your family. You need to take care of people every once in a while, esp. if you love them or live with them: which leads me to my next point.
You need family – biologically or of choice, it doesn’t matter, but you need a tribe to be happy. That being said, family has a big impact on your health and overall wellbeing. That can be great if your family system is healthy for you. But if family life is stressful, complicated, or worse, then you may be very intensely impacted by that. Sickness, mental health issues, you name it: you feel what’s unsaid in your family system, especially since you’re very empathic and intuitive to them. So, learn to set boundaries with your family, ESPECIALLY about 1) your energy, 2) your space, and 3) how they treat you in conflict.
Lastly, engaging in things typical to your culture of origin can be very nourishing to you and make you happy, as can food- or home-related activities like cleaning your space, home repairs, cooking, or baking.
(Please remember that the Moon in the house is just ONE piece of the puzzle. The placement is highly modified by the sign, ruler, and the aspects to the Moon and the ruler. Also, the overall chart has a major impact, so: please don’t run amok with this interpretation, but put it in context.)

V House
The house of children, creativity, joy, pleasure, fun, hobbies, casual sex, romance, the inner child, and recreation.
With the Moon here, you need to prioritize time to play and be creative in order to be physically and emotionally healthy. This is true for everyone to some extent, but for you, it’s literally vital: a life centered on work, work, work is the equivalent of you smoking 10 cigarettes a day for the rest of your life. A.k.a., it slowly poisons you.
There are two things to consider here: 1), you need to prioritize doing the things you truly enjoy doing. Many people with this combination make their living off of art or “hobbies,” passions, etc. 2) You still need a life outside of your job, even if creativity or play is part of your career. With this combination, you need to follow your heart every single day in order to feel happy, healthy, and like your life has a purpose. So, if you notice you need more fun and play in your life than others: astrology agrees – so go for it!
Which brings me to the next point: children. with this combination, you likely receive a lot of joy and happiness from spending time with your inner child. In a literal expression that’s a bit more dependent on the overall chart (but still true for many with this combination), you may receive a lot of joy and happiness from spending time with real children – as in, tiny human beings. You may be called to have ones of your own, to work with kids professionally, or you may just really enjoy playing auntie or uncle.
Lastly, this placement can bring high fertility in the sense that you may easily create things, or in the sense that happy little accidents may happen to you a bit more than to other people – the latter though is massively dependent on the rest of your chart.
(Please remember that the Moon in the house is just ONE piece of the puzzle. The placement is highly modified by the sign, ruler, and the aspects to the Moon and the ruler. Also, the overall chart has a major impact, so: please don’t run amok with this interpretation, but put it in context.)

VI House
The house of routines, service, health, healthcare, employment, your Monday morning work routine or day job, pets, co-workers, and lineages. Also, aunts, uncles, mentors, apprenticeships, and learning after middle school that’s practical in its delivery.
With the Moon in this house, you thrive when you get practical. You also thrive when you have set routines that really support you, especially those in your work environment. Having a good relationship with your co-workers and the people you’re in service to makes your life. Having a bad relationship with them drains you and impacts your happiness much more than other people’s.
With this combination, you may be really, really happy if you get to do services for other people – obviously not in ways that are detrimental to you, or unappreciated. Not being able to help may diminish your overall sense of fulfillment. Being at your workplace can bring you a lot of joy and you do well when you get to do work of any sort: even if it’s just cleaning and taking care of your home.
Another thing worth mentioning is that this placement makes health a big priority for you. This may mean that you’re naturally (or out of necessity) driven to have a very healthy lifestyle. But you may also be driven to care for your loved ones when they’re sick or work in the health care field. Nursing is a great profession for you (there are also many others, should you be interested – but career is not the focus of this article). The thing is, if you choose to live very unhealthily, you’re going to feel that mood-wise and physically. The same goes if you live in chaos or unclean spaces. But if you choose to live healthily and orderly, your life improves – much more than for other people.
Another very important aspect here is lineage. Lineage means that things may get passed on to you – mostly in terms of roles or learning – that you then love to live out and pass on to others. Being part of a lineage, especially a lineage that’s related to parenting OR family OR women OR body-based OR intuitive work can bring you a lot of happiness and joy.
Lastly, you may adore animals, especially those that can be held as a pet. Having one may impact your entire life and mental/physical health in ways that are nothing short of miraculous.
(Please remember that the Moon in the house is just ONE piece of the puzzle. The placement is highly modified by the sign, ruler, and the aspects to the Moon and the ruler. Also, the overall chart has a major impact, so: please don’t run amok with this interpretation, but put it in context.)

VII House
The house of one-on-one relationships with contractual agreements, commitment, and/or the intention to go on forever: marriage, business partners, life partners, best friends, and your arch-nemesis. Also, the law and the people involved.
With the Moon here, one of the most important things for your happiness and emotional and physical health is relationships. Be it friendships, partnerships, or romance: you need to be in relationships with other people – and happy and healthy relationships with others, at that – to be fully fulfilled in life. If the relationships aren’t going too well though, you suffer immensely. So with this combination, it’s important to know when to leave, even if leaving may be extremely hard.
With the Moon in the seventh, you really need commitment from other people – and you yourself need to know who’s worthy of your commitment! Part of the secret to happiness is also to learn not to put the responsibility for your emotions on others, while still allowing others to help ease the burden. Codependency, hyper-responsibility, isolation, and anxious-, avoidant-, or anxious-avoidant attachment styles may impact your physical health, as may relationships with people who don’t have your best interest at heart.
Not everyone deserves the key to your heart (in romance, friendships, and more). Loyalty, vulnerability, love, trust, and commitment need to be hard-earned. Please, be wise about when to give them.
(Please remember that the Moon in the house is just ONE piece of the puzzle. The placement is highly modified by the sign, ruler, and the aspects to the Moon and the ruler. Also, the overall chart has a major impact, so: please don’t run amok with this interpretation, but put it in context.)

VIII House
Intimacy, sex, power, shared resources, taxes, truth, secrets, inheritance, death, birth, trauma, intensity, and the occult: that’s the eighth house in a nutshell. It sounds worse than it is, so let’s explore.
With the Moon in the eighth house, you derive a lot of happiness and emotional fulfillment from the intensity. Truth gives you a kick in the best ways possible, even if the truth is hard to hear. With this placement, you being connected to what’s really there (rather than what you want to be there) is instrumental to good health. The truth will always set you free and it’s the most powerful tool for mental and emotional healing you have.
Secrets and lies are something you can sense on some level and even if you can’t put your finger on it: it drives you nuts. That being said, you may have an in-built physical response to abuse of power, lies, and people who may mean you harm: listen. With this placement, your intuition may be extremely well developed so it’s not just this you may sense. You also may have an in-born fascination with “occult” practices and taboos of any kind and feel much happiness and fulfillment when engaging with them. That can be things like tarot, astrology, tea leaf stuff, mediumship, etc., or watching true crime documentaries or videos of home births. Those aren’t occult, but also taboos.
The Moon in the eighth also talks about one thing pretty specifically: sex. With this placement, sex is a big deal for you and something that you should take very seriously. You may be very attuned to your partner(s) and likely to feel sexual trauma or shame very intensely, should you have it. It’s important to be with people who really treat you right since the long-term effects of people who don’t may stay with you for a long time.
Something else that you need to be happy and fulfilled is intimacy. And this is separate from being sexual! Intimacy means that someone sees you as you are: with all your shit, all your vulnerabilities, all your wounds, and all your light. It also means that other people let you see them in that way and that you cultivate honesty and trust with one another. With this placement, having just one other person like this is a gamechanger: have them, and you’re happy, healthy and fulfilled. If they’re missing from your life, you’ll get miserable and lonely quickly, even if you’re surrounded by other people. You need high-quality relationships a lot more than quantity. (This is also a reason why psychotherapy can work well for you should you ever need it. Therapeutic containers can be especially healing for you here, especially with parental-type professionals.)
(Please remember that the Moon in the house is just ONE piece of the puzzle. The placement is highly modified by the sign, ruler, and the aspects to the Moon and the ruler. Also, the overall chart has a major impact, so: please don’t run amok with this interpretation, but put it in context.)

IX House
The ninth house: the house of belief systems, travel, your worldview, how you make meaning out of things, and higher education. It’s also the house of strangers, cultures, and countries that aren’t our own, and even in-laws and stepfamily. It’s also associated with teaching, preaching, and being a guide and it also correlates with higher courts, philosophy, and religion.
With the Moon here, what you need to focus on in your life is to find the framework for making sense of the world that works best for you. The Moon is the part of our chart where we’re very easily affected by outside things and where there’s only a thin filter between the world and our emotions and physical health. With the Moon in this placement, it means that you need to be careful what you believe in because your body and your emotional wellbeing will reflect it. This can be beautiful: if you have good beliefs that make you feel amazing, your mental and physical health is going to be stellar. But if you’re suffering mentally, emotionally, or physically, then your belief systems can be part of the problem – or, at the very least, they make the problem worse. The body-mind is a real thing, and people with their Moon in the ninth feel it most intensely.
Psychologically, this means that you need to be careful of what you believe about yourself. Do you tell yourself that you’re a good person? Do you tear yourself down? What do you believe about the world – that it’s a good place, a bad place, or a mix? Whatever you lean towards, you’ll live it out (and not by choice). So, getting honest with yourself on what lives rent-free in your brain is important for overall happiness and health.
The next thing to consider is the culture around you – and that includes religion and philosophy. Religion and philosophies can be absolutely beautiful. But no one living in the modern world is unaware of its shadow sides and especially the ways religion has gone wrong. With the Moon in the ninth, religion and religious beliefs have an immense impact on the way you feel about yourself and in life, so to be happy and healthy, you need to be aware of how you feel in your religion, culture, and life philosophies. Do you feel good? And I don’t mean: do you want to feel good – do you feel obliged to feel good – but: do you actually feel good? Do you need to shift anything? There are so many different ways to live out a belief system. Is the one you chose something that serves you? With this placement, it’s really helpful to do an inventory of how your belief systems shaped you at least at some point in your life, and also to be aware that what works for you now may change over time. Because the Moon can be very unconscious (but have powerful effects on the way you feel in your daily life, as well as your mental and physical health), it’s important to cultivate awareness here.
BUT it’s also important to actually allow yourself to believe in things deeply. This brings me back to religion and political beliefs: people with the Moon in the ninth need strong political, social, religious, and/or philosophical beliefs (just some of the above list will suffice) in order to feel like their life makes sense. Not believing in anything can be really, really painful for something in this placement. So, especially if you’re religious? Keep being religious, keep having religious practices as a part of your life, and keep prioritizing faith – if that’s what feels good for you. At best, faith can be the most nourishing thing you can do for yourself. Just choose its delivery and fine print wisely.
And that brings me to one side note: people with the Moon in the ninth do well in religions or other areas of belief systems (like philosophy, politics, etc.) when there’s room for change, fluctuations, emotions, and two groups of people: women and children. In my experience, even men don’t do well in, f.e. religions that don’t value women or kids.
This leads me to the next thing. The ninth house talks about environments like university or other education after high school (especially if the education is more theoretical and impractical in its delivery), religious places, higher courts, and a family that’s not entirely your own – plus, foreign places. Spending time in those environments can be deeply nourishing and fill you up with happiness. So can teaching and, most importantly: travel.
Many people with this combination love exposure to different countries, cultures, types of people, and ways of life. Making time to experience that locally or abroad can be the experience of your life if you have a Moon in the ninth. You may even have family or extended family like in-laws abroad, multicultural ancestry, or choose to move into another country.
(Please remember that the Moon in the house is just ONE piece of the puzzle. The placement is highly modified by the sign, ruler, and the aspects to the Moon and the ruler. Also, the overall chart has a major impact, so: please don’t run amok with this interpretation, but put it in context.)

X House
This is the house of career, community role, the work you end up doing in the world, parenting, providing, the public life, and your status.
With the Moon here, you derive a lot of happiness from your career – if your career is actually fulfilling you. This is a double-edged sword: your career is either really, really good, or really, really bad for your mental and physical health. If you feel like shit: switch up your workplace or what you do for work in general. Working from home, on people’s homes, or having your workspace as a second home can also be indicated by this: so make sure your workplace feels good and has a family-type environment for maximum happiness.
Regardless of your gender, you may feel really called to nourish and take care of your customers, the people who work for you, and the public you may serve. You may also be the emotional support, therapist, or mommy/daddy to your people – and or have a career that includes you feeding, mothering, intuiting, providing for, or nurturing others – or literally using your intuition or body for something. (This list is not in any way extensive as careers and jobs are not the focus of this article). The important thing here is that this doesn’t just come naturally to you, you receive a lot of happiness from roles like this. Nothing harms a tenth house Moon person more than to shut that instinct down, or to have others take advantage of it.
Another part of this placement may be that you receive a lot of happiness from visibly doing something that affects the larger community in a positive way. This is one of the reasons why people with a tenth house Moon tend to be well-liked in the eyes of the public, and can even be famous in some way. That can be literal – like Robert Downey Jr., for instance, who has his Moon in the tenth – or it can mean more ordinary ways of being famous, like being a teacher in a smaller town and having everyone and their dog know you. But having a larger impact on others and being seen and appreciated doing it is vital to this placement’s happiness.
Last but not least, this placement can indicate parenthood. This is especially true if the parenting style is more of a “lead and provide”-type parenting, or a type of parenting that’s compatible with a career-oriented person. But a lot of people with this placement may decide to have kids at some point in their life – this isn’t a given though, so don’t freak if this doesn’t resonate.
(Please remember that the Moon in the house is just ONE piece of the puzzle. The placement is highly modified by the sign, ruler, and the aspects to the Moon and the ruler. Also, the overall chart has a major impact, so: please don’t run amok with this interpretation, but put it in context.)

XI House
The eleventh house deals with larger groups of people, the internet, allies, friends, organizations, and future planning. It also deals with life after fifty, fame, strategies, and the dreams and hopes you may have.
The Moon in the eleventh house means that you thrive in larger groups of people. This could mean that you’re part of a big band or choir, that you always build up larger friend groups, thrive in group sports, or join clubs of all kinds and derive a lot of nourishments from those experiences. Group work may be something that you enjoy a lot, and having a tight-knit community where you live is what makes a place your home. You don’t do well with being anonymous and not finding your tribe… but fortunately, the internet can provide a tribe for you no matter where you live.
Social media or specific forums for exchange can be a home to you too and something that enriches your life in massive ways. For maximum happiness, networking, and prioritizing time to socialize and hang out with friends is extremely important. So is another aspect of the eleventh: working towards the future.
The eleventh house is our future and what we’re strategizing towards. That means that you need to have a feeling you’re getting somewhere and have an overall vision. You may also feel very impacted by your goals on an emotional level. If they’re achievable and feel good, you’re happy and healthy, if you’re not sure you can make it or those goals were never yours, you may suffer. So please, pick the goals and dreams that work for you – not someone else. Lastly, big groups of people can be a drain on your happiness and health if those groups use you or are toxic in any way. Especially since you’re sensitive to the mood of a group – if the mood ain’t good, you won’t feel too good, either. Please be mindful and don’t stay where you aren’t happy.
(Please remember that the Moon in the house is just ONE piece of the puzzle. The placement is highly modified by the sign, ruler, and the aspects to the Moon and the ruler. Also, the overall chart has a major impact, so: please don’t run amok with this interpretation, but put it in context.)

XII House
The invisible. Secrets, letting go, endings, spirituality, being of service, isolated places, mental health, enlightenment, intuition, the higher perspective.
The twelfth house is the hardest to grasp in astrology. With the Moon here, you may feel like your emotions and health are that way, too: hard to grasp.
You may have very intense dreams or even psychic dreams that reflect the underlying currents around you: you dream that two people cheat on their partners with one another, only to find out three weeks later that they do have something going on. You dream someone is a snake, and find out that they’d screwed you over big time a week before the dream – but you only notice now. The gist of this is that your subconscious is very attuned to your surroundings, but it may take a lot of conscious effort (meditation, prayer, dream interpretation, etc.) to access it.
This also means that you need to create a lot of quiet time to spend on your unconscious mind to be fully happy and healthy. Cultivating spirituality in the way of your choice also helps here, as does studying things like energy work. Fields that combine energy with the physical body are particularly interesting to this placement, as are practices that help you to forgive and let go.
You also need a lot of physical rest. With this combination, it’s important for your happiness to learn to be alone and also to find people who see you and get the ways that you’re feeling. You may need to retreat from the world or live somewhere very isolated for periods of time or even your entire life. It’s also extremely important for you to learn how to take care of yourself and your physical body: with this placement, you may forget one or the other until it’s too late.
You may also derive a lot of happiness from helping the world out in a very self-less, time-consuming way. Many people who work in public service, hospitals, prisons, or asylums have this placement, as do saints. These environments may feel very nourishing to you, or you receive a lot of happiness from spending time and energy on topics or groups of people others may see as “less than.” (Such as people with sicknesses, psychiatric disorders, learning disabilities, autism, backgrounds in crime or prostitution, etc.; or topics like trash, or other things people would rather ignore).
You may also find that the thing that gives you the most joy in the world is just giving other people joy. To focus your life on something or someone else. This is beautiful and wonderful – just please bear in mind that it can also be a sure-fire way toward burnout if it’s not balanced with self-care.
Lastly, the twelfth house is also associated with large animals. They may really bring you a lot of happiness, especially if you care for them.
(Please remember that the Moon in the house is just ONE piece of the puzzle. The placement is highly modified by the sign, ruler, and the aspects to the Moon and the ruler. Also, the overall chart has a major impact, so: please don’t run amok with this interpretation, but put it in context.)
Conclusion and further reading
Obviously, this is all just one piece of the puzzle – and something that can be expanded upon. If you’re interested in more information, consider booking a reading!
Also, here is some further reading for you:
See you there,