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Rivers of Magma: Saturn in Aries Personal Predictions for the Signs (05/2025 – 04/2028)

Updated: Oct 31, 2024

Saturn, planet of responsibility, enters Aries, the sign of youth, power, and self… starting a 2 ½ year-long event and, more importantly, a brand new 29-year-long cycle on May 25th, 2025. In this article, we’ll be talking about the individual impact for each sign. However, this is a part II article – which means that I fully expect you to have read its previous article, which breaks down what Saturn in Aries speaks about.


As always, here are the shortcuts: Why Saturn matters, dates, in-the-sign predictions, and further reading.



Why Saturn Matters

Saturn transits are beyond a shadow of a doubt some of the most impactful astrological influences in our personal lives. Yes, Pluto is the most transformative and the one that goes deepest, and Neptune or Uranus transits can absolutely put our lives upside down in their own ways, but because of their length (Uranus in Taurus/Gemini is 8 years each, Neptune in Aries 14 years, Pluto in Aquarius 20 years), their influence is spread out and sometimes quite diffuse. Saturn’s much faster 2 ½ year-long sign journeys have a much more concentrated energy that grounds the other, slower planet’s transformational processes in our life in a way that’s hard to miss – even if you have no clue about astrology.


More than this, Saturn is famously the keeper of time. Simply speaking, this means that each astrological Saturn event unfolds in the concentrated 2 ½ years, but in a less concentrated way over the next 29-30 years. So, what we’ll meet now is something that we’ll keep encountering and that will shape our futures collectively and more importantly, personally.



May 25th, 2025 – September 1st, 2025,

February 14th, 2026 – April 13th, 2028.


Between September 1st, 2025, and February 14th, 2026, Saturn goes back into Pisces to finish its journey through the last sign of the zodiac. Read: Saturn in Pisces: End of Delusion, Building on Kindness (03/2023-02/2026) for information on that.



This event last happened:

April 7th, 1996 – June 9th, 1998,

October 25th, 1998 – March 1st, 1999.



The next time this event happens will be:

March 22nd, 2055 – May 20th, 2057,

November 29th, 2057 – January 31st, 2058.


In the Signs:

What you’ll read now are generalized predictions that cannot account for the nuances in your personal astrological blueprint. For information that’s more tailored to you, please place it in the context of your natal chart.


Please check Sun and Rising Signs (ASC).




Keywords: the self, identity, the body, new beginnings, life path.


Saturn is moving through your first house of new beginnings, the self, the body, and your life path. Essentially, this is a time where you’re aligning your life with the visions you hold, and where you’re making the physical changes necessary to see things coming into alignment. You’ve just completed a 2 ½ year period of seeing your foundations crumble as everything that wasn’t meant to stay got flushed out of your life. Now, it’s time to rebuild for a more solid self and life path. This is also a time when you’re asked to stay accountable to yourself, be in integrity with your highest values, and figure out who you’ve become.

Usually, an event like this brings heightened wisdom, leaps in maturity, and a more solid (and harder to dissuade) sense of self that’s not as easily affected by other people’s opinions or social pressure.


Be careful of: being too hard on yourself, giving up because your goals feel “too hard” (they are absolutely achievable with time, patience, and persistence), getting too serious.

Do: laugh (Saturn is also a planet of humor!), take aligned and sustainable action, trust the process, become yourself.



Keywords: rest, release, necessary endings, karmic ripening, spirituality, loneliness.


Saturn is starting a process of showing you exactly what in your life outlived its usefulness, has ill effects on you, keeps you stuck, and harms you or others. This is a time of clearing what isn’t meant to stay and of productive and necessary endings. But this isn’t as bad as it may seem at first glance! Whenever we feel stuck or bogged down (which Saturn here definitely illuminates), this astrological event helps us to take the action necessary to clean up our lives and release us from past pain, false beliefs, and habits so we can move toward a better future. This is a thorough process requiring patience, but it allows you to lead a much better life.


This is also a time when we’re more drawn or end up in situations where we’re of service to others and deal with the topics we a) like to forget or ignore, or b) that the world at large doesn’t like to deal with. The necessity to help others and yourself may ignite a life-long passion for you here, and set you up with the practical skills you need to make a true difference for others.


Saturn here also illuminates where we need to trust ourselves and trust in a higher power. Faith and trust can carry you far at this time.


At this time, starting something new may feel difficult as the focus is more on releasing what was and learning from the past. However, you can use your gifts of heightened intuition to figure out where you need to go next, as you have a unique view of what is and isn’t working.


Be careful of: defeatism, getting into situations you can leave, martyrdom, sacrificing yourself in situations that don’t warrant sacrifice.

Do: declutter your physical space, do what you’ve been avoiding, say goodbye when you need to, choose trust and faith, listen to your dreams and intuition, learn about positive psychology and mental health.



Keywords: community, friends, groups, strategizing for the future after 50, hopes and dreams, fame.


This event is going to help you practically, sustainably, and solidly build the life you wish to lead for the rest of your life, as it affects your plans, goals, and long-term future. Whatever foundations are needed to truly support your future life, this event will prepare for them (and tear down what’s in the way). Trust that what falls away wasn’t meant for you and build what you need to see: seriously, take the practical steps as you’re astrologically supported (and will feel bad, defeated, and stuck if you only focus on the short-term right now).


This transit also deals with your reputation. Essentially, Saturn gives you the consequences for the way you’ve lived and stayed in/out of alignment with yourself through how people treat you. Don’t worry, not everything that someone else does is your fault or your responsibility (especially if you’re on social media, which this astrological event deeply affects). But your reputation will get a more thorough update based on the way you’ve been living and treating others.


Lastly, Saturn gets to work on your community, strengthening and solidifying bonds with those meant to stay in your life and showing you who isn’t for your highest good. In friendships, Saturn shows you how to weed out low-quality people and bonds, and how to invest time and energy in the good people who deserve it. Your friends may also need you more than usual at this time, so please be there for them.


Be careful of: living life based on other people’s opinions (peer pressure is real), building a life you think you should have, rather than what you truly desire, social media.

Do: prioritize friendships, pour into healthy community, plan for the future and realize those plans, learn to be alone with yourself.



Keywords: career, public life, mission, authority figure, legacy, reputation, parents (father)


Saturn is leading you through a time of changes in your career, your role in your community, your mission, and your public life and legacy. That’s a lot of topics and might play out in some very interesting ways. Firstly, you might experience both stepping stones and obstacles in your actual job/career at this time that are both a direct reflection of your past actions (you get the consequences for what you’ve been doing so far) and that are caused by a higher power’s wisdom that steers you towards what’s best for you. So, if you’ve been working your butt off in the wrong job, you might not be seeing progress because it’s the wrong job.


This is a time when people tend to take roles of higher responsibility and live their responsibility in a different way as they prioritize their actual values more and concentrate their energies on what really matters. This might even lead someone to change their entire life so they can do justice to what they truly care about most: for instance, change their job to something less time-consuming so they can spend more time with their children.


This also affects people’s missions outside of their careers, as some of us don’t get to live our soul’s purposes on the job. This may be a time to commit fully to that larger mission and put your money (and time) where your mouth is. As Saturn here also has an added emphasis on parenting themes, this may also be a particularly vital time for you and your child(ren): they might need you a lot, so make sure you have the time and resources to be there for them. And in other ways, too, try to be the parent they need you to be.


Be cautious of: working yourself to the bone, staying in the wrong job, becoming over-responsible in areas you shouldn’t take responsibility for, dominating authority, choosing work over what really matters to you.

Do: prioritize what matters, take responsibility, take on roles of leadership, own yourself and your own choices.



Keywords: belief systems, broadening horizons, learning, teaching, travel, luck.


For you, Saturn is on a 2 ½ year-long journey of testing and updating all of your beliefs: political, religious, spiritual, psychological, and all other beliefs you might hold are up for a process in which they’re tested for truth, grounded in reality and practicality, and frankly, where you’re tested on whether you actually live accordingly. What really matters here is whether your beliefs are sustainable for the long term, actually practically serve you, and create a good moral compass that serves you, others, and the world at large. Staying in integrity with your beliefs and learning more about the world are key themes of this astrological event.


When it comes to learning, Saturn in Aries asks you to become proactive in trying to understand the world and building the skills you truly need to succeed in life. Your horizons need to be broadened while you need to double down on what you know to be true and defend it against falsity. You may also be prepared for teaching – whether that’s in actual teaching jobs, or in a private, more subtle capacity of you having normal conversations with people where you explain stuff to others.


This is also a time when you need to be more visible in the world but from a place of making your message visible, not yourself. What your message is of course depends on you as an individual, and on your belief systems.


Be cautious of: becoming extreme or too hard on yourself or others, losing sight of the bigger picture, becoming dogmatic, believing things without proper reflection.

Do: test your beliefs, stay in integrity, learn more about faith, spirituality, politics, and other things, learn new things, teach. 



Keywords: the wound, healing, truth, trust, intimacy/sexuality, inheritance, shared resources.


Saturn is traveling through your house of truth, trust, power, and intimacy… and is asking you where you give other people power over you – and whether you’ve done a good job of discerning if this person with that type of power is a good and healthy mix. It’s also asking you to reclaim your power when you realize that no, this isn’t good for you… and to renegotiate boundaries and agreements in relationship, and around intimacy, so that they work for you.


In intimacy, this is often a time when people become more aware of the spiritual, psychological, and physical effects of the other person – or people – and tend to become more discerning around whom they wish to share themselves with. In committed partnerships, this can look like choosing to have tough conversations to improve the relationship, too.


Saturn in Aries also brings a massive theme around “shared resources” for lots of you, which includes but is not limited to: money you share with a spouse, taxes you pay, alimony (to/from you), inheritances, trust funds, and other similar types of finances. Energy and other physical resources you share with someone can also fall under this umbrella. Saturn here asks you to get real with what’s going on here right now, and tells you to take responsibility for your role here… and only your role.


Be cautious of: taking on what isn’t yours, getting into debt. 

Do: heal your heart, seek truth, trust only those who deserve it, be discerning, pay off debt.



Keywords: 1-on-1 relationships, business partners, love, marriage, commitment.


This astrological event makes you get real with your partnerships: this includes but isn’t limited to business partnerships, marriages, committed romantic relationships, and BFFs. Your relationships at this time will be tested at their foundation: now, it’s time to get real on whether the person across from you is reliable, committed, and a good fit for you and your future. If they’re not, these relationships will likely not survive this transit. If they are, these relationships are going to thrive and can even deepen – for instance, from a romantic partnership to an actual engagement or marriage. This is also a prime time to meet the kind of people who stay with you for a lifetime.


There’s also another potential here that’s very potent and beautiful: transforming relationships. Sometimes, we're with people or in partnerships that have the potential to go all the way, but there are issues. Saturn in Aries for you will reveal those issues (and call for self-responsibility for your side of the mess), which allows you both to do your parts to fix the relationship and build your future.


On a more cautious side, this is also a time to make sure that you won’t let your desire to fit in a specific box or have something by a certain age jump the gun… under Saturn in Aries, this won’t go well.


Be cautious of: dating the person who looks good on paper but doesn’t feel good despite checking those boxes, getting married because you “hear the clock tick,” taking on or demanding too much of yourself/others.

 Do: be discerning of whom you date, think of the long-term in partnerships, get married (if you’re sure you have the right partner!), end relationships you know aren’t working.



Keywords: wellness, health, work, daily routines, work chores, being of service, pets.


Saturn in this house is asking you to take an honest look at your health, daily work/chores, and habits. Are your routines making you healthier, or are they having a negative impact on your body? Saturn in Aries will reveal this for you. Is the work that you’re doing (from work at your job, or chores you do around your home, or other types of work) efficient, sustainable, economic, and filled with purpose? If not, Saturn may make you feel stuck and show you the necessity for change. Is your work in the widest sense something that you can continue to do for the long-term future? If not, Saturn may support you in building better, firmer foundations for your life.


In matters of health, this is a time to prioritize eating all your veggies and doing other common-sense things (not fear-based things!) that improve and maintain your mental and physical health. This is a time to take health matters more seriously and to pay attention to your body. Preventative care helps a lot at this time, and diseases that may have been quietly brewing inside you may come to the forefront (not for everyone, but it’s better to take care). Make sure to listen to your body’s signs of too much stress, pains, etc. so you avoid injuries and stress-based health concerns. Not everybody gets sick at this time, so please don’t worry.


One last topic for Saturn here is the topic of being of service. Saturn here may get you into situations (by your own choice/outside circumstances) where you have to take care of other people or otherwise serve others and be more helpful. Please make sure not to stretch beyond your own capacity.


Be cautious of: taking on more than you can handle, getting swamped with work, committing to routines/habits that don’t serve you, fear-based behavior around health, being used by others.

Do: commit to the work that lights you up, eat healthily, choose good work environments, be of service to others, hug your pets, take care of yourself, avoid being overburdened.



Keywords: children, romance, pleasure, creativity, fertility, fun.


This astrological event highlights your creative life and ability to come up with new ideas and more importantly, see them through. Saturn brings a concentration of energy, which may mean that someone comes up with fewer ideas than usual, but they’re a) better (quality over quantity), b) more practical – for you personally, or by their unique nature, and c) easier to follow through on. Saturn here gives you more grit and more capacity to see things through to the end. However, it also makes you more susceptible to doubting yourself and your art, imposter syndrome, defeatism, perfectionism, and feeling like things aren’t worth the effort. They are! Please trust yourself!


If you have or want to have a creative job, Saturn here is going to bring you the consequences of your past actions here: for better, and for worse. It also asks you to do whatever you practically need to do to support your art and see it take off… including learning new skills or seeking additional means of financial revenue if necessary, slash doubling-down on your art so you can make it monetizable, depending on your situation.


When it comes to children and fertility, Saturn asks you to get serious – and shows you the consequences of your past actions and investments. Your children might need you more than usual and past parenting decisions might come back to be revisited (slash, past events in the life of your child may need to be addressed). When it comes to fertility, Saturn asks us to get responsible (either by prepping for a future child by building a long-term, doable action plan, or by getting appropriate contraceptives).


Lastly, Saturn in Aries for you shows you the necessity of keeping fun and joy in your life. In love, this means that it’s time to look for something serious or to say goodbye to a partner who’s not right for you. In all of life, this means integrating fun and joyful things into your everyday life.


Be cautious of: being too serious, skipping contraceptives because “it’s fiiiine,” give up on your creative dreams.

Do: plan and prep for a child, address root causes for fertility issues, date for long-term commitment, be creative.



Keywords: home, foundations, family, properties, parents (mother), private life.


Saturn in Aries is a time of changes in your home, family system, and private life. This is a time to prioritize the life you lead when you’re off work and to pour your energy, attention, and resources into your physical home – whether that’s the larger area you live in (like you’re country) or your physical living space. Houses you live in or own may require more attention, or you might feel a heightened desire/have the opportunity to stay home. Some people under this event may choose to end careers or jobs for the sake of their homes and families.


This leads me to the second theme of this event: family. The family you’ve been born in and/or the family you create are parts of this astrological event. Some people may get initiated into parenthood and/or need to prioritize parenthood and their children more at this time than usual. If this is so, this is unavoidable: do right by your kids, since you’ll be seeing Saturn affecting children not only for 2 ½ but for closer to 5 years. You might also find that other family members, including your parents, biological parents, and/or mother figures, need you more at this time.


Lastly, this transit deals with your private life and history: some things get to stay private (either between yourself and those you’re closest to, or just with yourself). This event also shows you quite unmistakably where and with whom you belong, and where you can plant your roots for the next 29 years, if not for the rest of your life.


Be cautious of: becoming the family’s bearer of burdens, down payments, structural damages in your home.

Do: prioritize self, family, and private time, take care of your home, become responsible for others.



Keywords: communication, perception, local life, siblings, the media, learning.


Saturn in Aries for you affects the very way you use your voice (proverbially speaking) and express your ideas. It also involves learning and communication in general and even the ways you literally perceive the world. Saturn here allows you to see through the nonsense and behind the veil of illusions Neptune may spin for you at this time. It also allows you to quite practically build skills and learn new things that help you succeed in life at large.


This is a great time to get back to school or otherwise learn something new in your life, for instance through reading this blog (!!!) or learning astrology with a teacher ;) (did you know I do astrological tutoring? Send a message if you’re interested). Of course, you can also learn other things that help you create the life of your dreams, like how to repair cars or speak a language you’d always wanted to learn.


Your local life, siblings, neighbors, the media, and the sales world we’re all involved in (at the very least as consumers) are also up for a Saturnian update: this is a time for becoming responsible with which media we consume, where we place our attention, and how we allow marketing to affect us. This is also a time to wake up to where we get lied to. Your local life, neighbors, and siblings might be needing you more or sparking changes in your life: pay attention, and – if you can – help them out along the way.


Be cautious of: shooting off the hip, holding back truths that need to be spoken, lies.

Do: write a book, use your voice, learn something new, question reality as others present it, trust your own perception.




Keywords: values, self-worth, finances, assets, monetizable skills.


This astrological event affects your finances and your relationship with money. This is a time when you’ll be getting the consequences for all your past habits – for better and for worse. What’s built on a firm foundation will thrive and products, skills, and other money-bringing endeavors that are masterful may generate more money. However, if you’re not happy with where you’re at, Saturn here can also help you slowly and sustainably change the game: you have additional self-discipline that allows you to pay off debt, restrict overspending, and right your relationship with money. Unfortunately, scarcity mindsets around finances, fears around this subject, and issues with generating more income can absolutely come at this time, too, so please make sure that you act responsibly with what you have at this time.


Another theme that’s up at this time is your values. Saturn cares about our integrity and whether we stay in alignment with what we say matters, or whether we waste our time prioritizing other things/beliefs. This is a time to get clear on what you value and to put your money where your mouth is: quite literally, as well as figuratively.


Lastly, Saturn in Aries affects your self-worth. This is a time where a self-worth built on lies will crumble, where we realize our true qualities (including our gifts) which improves our self-worth in the long run, and where we get to find peace within ourselves, rather than building worth based on ego and our need to get everyone’s approval. This is a process: and there might be ups and downs, especially if we have to re-define our worth after opting out out of long-held beliefs about ourselves.


Be cautious of: buying into fears, unnecessary spending, getting into debt, impatience.

Do: trust yourself, spend wisely, invest cautiously, build firm and sustainable financial foundations.


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Further Reading:

If this interests you, you need to read (seriously, NEED to, since the 2025-2026 astrology is WILD):

Neptune in Aries (I, II, III) 2025-2039

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