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Neptune in Aries - Effects on Each Sign (03/2025-03/2039)

Updated: 1 day ago

Neptune enters Aries (03/2025), starting a 14-year-long journey in that very same sign (till March 2039). This is a huge deal as this planet of intuition, diffusion, compassion, addiction, spirituality, and trust works through a sign that has to do with our goals and sense of self.


Neptune is in Aries:

March 30th, 2025 – October 22nd, 2025, (after this, it’ll re-enter Pisces.)

January 26th, 2026 – May 22nd, 2038,

October 21st, 2028 – March 23rd, 2039 (after this, it’ll fully move into the next sign, Taurus).


I have already written articles on how Neptune in Aries works and how they affect us generally and personally:

I recommend checking them out first, since I won’t be repeating points I’ve made there, here.


I also wrote an article about an event that happens right at the beginning of this timeframe, through the years 2025 and 2026: Neptune and Saturn joining forces as they cross signs. This is a huge deal, so it warrants its own article: Saturn-Neptune conjunction (2025-2026).


Now, it’s time to specify for in-the-signs predictions.


Before we start, please consider leaving a donation to support my work: you’re reading an article for free that took a lot of time, energy, practice, and education to write. If you’d like me to continue doing this work for free, then your donation makes the difference. Thank you!


Neptune in Aries In the Signs:

What you’ll read now are generalized predictions that cannot account for the nuances in your personal astrological blueprint. For information that’s more tailored to you, please place it in the context of your natal chart.

Please check Sun and Rising Signs (ASC).




Keywords: the self, identity, the body, new beginnings, life path.


Neptune is traveling through your first house of identity and sense of self. This is a time when your idea of who you are becomes, for lack of a better word, permeable. To explain this a bit more, you’ll be more easily influenced by what others tell you about yourself, your ideas of who you should be, and false narratives on who you are or why you’re here on Earth. This is something to be careful of as this can open the door to much pain and future manipulation. So, please be extra careful about whom you let in and whom you listen to (both in your life, and in form of media you consume, etc.)


On the plus side, this event actually aids you in becoming a more compassionate, empathic, intuitive, spiritual, and trusting person with an access to what lies beyond. Life isn’t just what we can see and touch: there’s a whole different dimension of meaning that can give us resilience, fortitude, and an ability to heal our broken hearts if we’re going through it, or additional joy, a heightened capacity to love, indestructible peace in all other situations. You’re learning how to access that (further/at all) within yourself at this time, which is a beautiful thing.


Some people may experience a revival/finding of faith, walk on a spiritual path, or find their intuition waking up and becoming more powerful. As Neptune rules compassion and empathy, you may literally find yourself more affected by the suffering of others and more capable of sharing joy with other people.


Don’t: trust strangers/get scammed (this event makes people a bit more gullible), believe everything you think about yourself, believe people tearing you down, let yourself be used.

Do: learn how to set & then actually set appropriate boundaries, learn about intuition, learn about spiritual and faith-related topics, choose love and trust, avoid toxins, and spend time near water. 



Keywords: rest, release, necessary endings, karmic ripening, spirituality, loneliness.


Neptune in this sign is both a blessing and something requiring caution. Let’s start with the latter: Neptune makes us more prone to accept whatever is going on around us, but the house Neptune enters for you right now confronts us with times, places, or people that aren’t in our best interest. Essentially, Neptune in Aries for you might get you with people who harm you, in places that suck the joy out of you, or in situations you frankly need to get out of… but leaving may feel hard, or just not occur to you (as Neptune can make us too placid). This is easily mitigated by your personal choice: just keep in mind that throughout this time, you have to prioritize your health, your mental health, and your boundaries, and enforce them where necessary. Fortunately, Neptune here also deals with releases, letting things go, and quiet endings, so if you choose to leave something, you’ll likely be able to do that.


This is also a time when you should do a lot of research before doing trips, accepting job opportunities, moving in with someone, or entering contractual relationships so you don’t get stuck in something that’s bad for you. Keep a path open to leave whatever situation you enter, as Neptune here can absolutely fool you like a politician in pre-election speeches: you won’t fully know what you’re getting, and might even be deceived, before you’ve made your final choices.


The blessing of this astrological event is a heightened dream life, spiritual life, creativity, empathy, and intuition. This is literally a time where the world behind a veil becomes much more accessible and you may receive information beyond what’s normally knowable to you… and this enriches your life in untold ways. Faith and spirituality may carry you through this time and bring you more peace and trust in this world. Unconditional love and compassion are also going to be much more accessible.


Don’t: trust without discernment, say Yes without research, sign contracts without reading them, go into debt/enter a different sort of dependency, stay where you’re harmed.

Do: surround yourself with people who have eyes where you have blind spots, choose faith, and trust, learn about intuition, mental health, and positive psychology, grow in peace. 



Keywords: community, friends, groups, strategizing for the future after 50, hopes and dreams, fame.


Neptune in this sign dilutes and confuses people on their life goals and hopes and dreams for the future. During this time frame, you can’t quite build a life walking by sight, you’ll have to trust your intuition and intelligence and have faith that clarity comes as you continue to walk the path. Unfortunately, this astrological event can also make you choose one path and then change your mind – only to change your mind again a couple of times further – as illusions around your goals and dreams permeate your desire for the future. Therefore, I suggest not committing to any path fully (f.e. by making big financial investments) until you’ve practically tried them out. F.e., this can look like doing an internship in the job you think you want before choosing your college major that’s supposed to prepare you for that. Also, be careful not to change paths too quickly (but do change them if you need to).


Obviously, the above isn’t fun, but here’s the good news: your intuition and spiritual/faith-based tools such as prayer can become your guide that steers you in the right direction, even if you’re not quite clear on why you’re supposed to do this, this, or that (and might not even see the full picture). Trust what arises and have faith in yourself: it will make sense eventually. This leads me to the second big topic of this event.


Congratulations! You’re going to meet a lot of highly intuitive, kind, and compassionate people under this astrological event. Neptune is entering the house of friendships and community, bringing some highly empathic and spiritual people into your life, which is a good thing. Your community might absolutely rub off on you and enrich your life with real wisdom and love.


However, Neptune also has a shadow side you’ll meet through others as well: deception, manipulation, mental health issues, flakiness, the perpetual victim, people out of touch with reality. Please be extra careful around people who show that they have these traits, as you’ll be more likely to meet them (and will be much more attractive to these people!) Make sure you truly know the people around you and don’t get bamboozled by poetic words with no substance.


Don’t: stay with false friends, get too vulnerable online, chase pipedreams, give up on real dreams, quit to early.

Do: listen to your intuition, dream a better future, realize your goals, hang with intuitive people.



Keywords: career, public life, mission, authority figure, legacy, reputation, parents (father)


Neptune in this area of life makes it harder for you to be seen: Neptune can weave illusions and delusions about people that others believe (even if you’re very straightforward and authentic, and not the type to deceive anyone). Under this event, you might therefore run much more into other people’s false ideas of who you are, and even feel like your work is at times invisible. Push back against that, and don’t take it personally. It’s not about you!


This is a time to weave your intuition and soul’s purpose into your day job, career, and life’s work. Your intuition can guide you in this area of life much more than before, which is a huge blessing that can lead you to much success. You might also go through big changes at the work place and in your public life as such.


Some people become much more focused on helping others through their career/work life at this point in time. Faith and spirituality may become an active part of your workplace as well (and so could other themes like water, toxins, and mental health issues).


Don’t: take on other people’s projections, become a workaholic, run your life to the ground, ignore your intuition about work.

Do: help others, trust your intuition, have a meaningful carer.



Keywords: belief systems, broadening horizons, learning, teaching, travel, luck.


This time, dear Leo is one for spiritual and faith-based awakenings and journeys: Neptune in Aries highlights your belief systems, starting, strengthening, and changing your faith and spiritual beliefs. This is a time to look beyond the veil and seek knowledge about the mysteries of life. This is a time to surrender to a higher power and walk with the invisible love that permeates everything. It’s also a time to learn more about faith, spiritual topics, and all other belief systems that you may hold: including politics, psychological beliefs, and other things you know to be true.


This is a time to trust your intuition on what is and isn’t truth and to do your research rather than blindly believing people: Neptune can make us more trusting, or at worst, more gullible, so it’s extra important that we take care to be discerning. We also have to make very sure that we vet whatever teachers we choose to have, since some of the teachers we meet might not be good people.


Neptune also affects travel and your relationship with strangeness and other cultures. So, if you ever wanted to go on a pilgrimage, now’s the time… also, might I recommend traveling to places with lots of water regularly? With Neptune in this sign, you might feel a more intense longing towards a different place, different culture, or different time – this may be fulfilled by travel, or in some cases lead to a physical move. In some cases, the longing can not be fulfilled… but immersing yourself in the energy of what you long for and seeking the qualities you like on other things, places, and communities can fulfil the longing, too.


Don’t: take risks with your safety while traveling, trust shady gurus, religious/spiritual figures, politicians, or other teachers, believe everything people tell you (including “experts”), enter a cult.

Do: music, water-based anything, travel, learning, teaching, trust, faith.



Keywords: the wound, healing, truth, trust, intimacy/sexuality, inheritance, shared resources.


Neptune in Aries for you brings themes around power and dependency… especially, where you place yourself/placed yourself in positions where you accept less than stellar behavior from others, or don’t/can’t stand on your own two feet. This astrological event can also become a strong drain on your finances, so please make sure you protect your own money as well as you can.


Neptune in Aries for you brings a super-powerful intuition that you might have to learn how to deal with. This intuition is especially powerful around themes of secrets, people’s true colors, and the darker aspects of life… so this is a time to listen to your gut and haul tail when you need to.


You may also become more intimately acquainted with topics around mental health, thereby becoming more compassionate and able to help others who are struggling with this. An event like Neptune in Aries (for you) opens people up to what priorities they should have in life.


Don’t: hop into bed with just anyone (discernment, please!), fall into addiction or escapism, ignore your intuition, pretend you don’t feel negative emotions when you do.

Do: heal what needs healing, trust your intuition, face truth head-on, become more trusting with a few select people, protect your finances.



Keywords: 1-on-1 relationships, business partners, love, marriage, commitment.


Neptune enters your world of one-on-one committed partnerships – like business partnerships, contractual partnerships, romantic relationships, marriage, or BFFs. Here, Neptune gives you both the potential for a beautiful and dream-like partnership to heal generations, and to get it terribly wrong by various means. We’ll start with the latter.


Neptune deals with illusions, deceptions, and delusions – and I don’t mean the cutesy “aren’t we all a bit delulu, ha ha” (current slang as I’m writing this in 2024, we’ll see if that’s still around in 2039), but actual delusions. This means that Neptune in this area of chart makes it highly likely that you’ll meet people who seem really different than who they actually are: either because they deceive you, or because you’re seeing what you wish is there, not what’s the truth. On top of this, people are more likely to see what they want to see in you – which, depending on the person and situation are good or really bad things. Unfortunately, there are people who long to find a villain around them that they can punish and blame for all their problems. This means that for the duration of this astrological event, you’ll have to be very careful on a) your end – are you seeing this person truthfully? – and b), on whether they actually know and understand you, or just casting you for a role they wish to see filled in their minds.


On a more dire note, with Neptune in this sign, you’ll have to be particularly careful around avoiding abusive people as you’ll meet more people who are like this, and well, they’re just trying to get victims (and you might fit the bill). Hold appropriate boundaries, make sure you don’t put yourself in a situation of dependency on others a) if you can help it and b) without massive discernment, vetting, and Plan Bs if you can’t help it. Most of all, trust your gut: Neptune rules intuition, which helps you navigate the jungle and helps you avoid illusions and delusions on either end.


Now, on a great note: Neptune is all about unconditional love and even soulmates. This marks a time when you can have and meet an incredibly loving and soul-led partnership that allows you to feel a sort of fulfillment you’ve never thought was possible. Neptune here can bring fairy-tale like love, especially if you have a well-working spiritual life (and doubly so if you can share it with your people!) You’re also more prone to meeting compassionate, wise, and incredibly intuitive people.


Don’t: be gullible, wear those rose-tinted glances, ignore red flags (I MEAN IT!), jump in before having tested the waters.

Do: trust your gut, trust the people who have proven to be safe, choose love, enjoy life.



Keywords: wellness, health, work, daily routines, work chores, being of service, pets.


Neptune in this area of your chart brings blessings, but also requires caution. We’ll start with the latter. Neptune can stand for diseases that are hard to diagnose and not completely physical in origin. This doesn’t mean that they don’t have a literal, unavoidable effect on the body, but that part of the disease (and the disease’s persistence) is rooted in the soul, the mind, and the energetic realm. This means that, in order to stay healthy, it’s particularly important to look at your life and your health in a holistic way. Heartbreak can affect your body much more at this time than usual; emotional stress can take a more prominent physical toll, and going against your soul’s path can literally lead to a health-based redirection. However, diseases (even if partially caused by other parts of ourselves) are still physical: please seek the appropriate medical help where necessary. “Holistic” includes body-based treatments.


What’s great about Neptune in this area of your chart though is that your intuition becomes highly attuned to what you need to get/stay healthy, and even what the origin of your health issues lie. Not only diseases, injuries, and other physical ailments starting during this time period, but also ones you’ve been walking with can be resolved at this time due to your intuition leading you onto the right path. Spiritual tools for healing like prayer are also much more powerful at this time. Similarly, energetic hygiene and energetic boundaries are much more important at this time, too.


When it comes to work, Neptune in Aries brings you the desire and heightened ability to connect your soul’s path, intuition, compassion, and desire to help others with the daily things that you do: including to work you do at your job, and other ways you work in daily life (for instance, helping out a neighbor, doing chores around the house for yourself and others, parenting/caring for people, etc.) At this time, it’s important to be careful of taking on too much for others. You only have limited energy and your desire to be of service might not take that into consideration. Plus, you might have less energy and need more rest during this period than you’re used to. However, Neptune in this sign brings you more joy, more spiritual fulfilment, and more purpose if you’re doing the right kind of work, so it has the potential to become a great transit.


Don’t: get roped in to be everyone’s savior, work in toxic environments, ignore health issues, use substances that can spark addiction.

Do: listen to your gut, stay holistic, live your purpose, do work you enjoy, prioritize a healthy work-life-balance (with appropriate rest), help others.



Keywords: children, romance, pleasure, creativity, fertility, fun.


This astrological event makes it way more likely for you to accidentally get pregnant and/or father a child, provided you’re physically able to do so (way more likely doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed – but if you don’t wish for a child, you might want to take precautions). If you have children, you might find that you get more compassionate and empathic with them and start to see their sensitivity and vulnerability in a stronger way. Your children may need you more now than previously. This is a great time for spiritual ways of finding love and/or spiritual conceptions. Let’s focus on romance now.


In love, it’s important to be more cautious as Neptune can blow us wide open and make us more vulnerable to deceptive, manipulative, and exploitative people that don’t have our best interest at heart. Fortunately, Neptune also strengthens our intuition, so – if you listen to your gut, you can avoid the bad people and say Yes to the good ones. This is not a good time to get married within weeks or months of meeting: please get to know the person you’re interested in (especially if you might accidentally make a baby with each other).


Unrelated to that, this is a great time for creative endeavors, especially ones including film, music, and/or fantasy worlds.


Don’t: get married/move in with someone within weeks or months, trust the walking red flag, pick the person who’s great only on paper.

Do: trust your gut on people, be smart about fertility, prioritize your children, make art. 



Keywords: home, foundations, family, properties, parents (mother), private life.


Neptune in this area of your chart highlights themes around family and belonging. Where you long for a different family, Neptune highlights it. Where you grieve for things in the past, Neptune highlights it. Fortunately, Neptune also brings a heightened ability of acceptance, forgiveness, and unconditional love for yourself and others. You might experience changes in your family and family system that you didn’t expect and are asked to stay flexible.


When it comes to your physical home, Neptune might help you find a place that’s better aligned with who you truly are and what you need. Moving closer to the sea may be a wonderful thing to do at this time, as is moving to places that are energetically aligned or feel good intuitively. You might also deal with places that have hidden issues such as mold, so please do a thorough investigation before you buy a place.


You or your family members might become more intuitive, compassionate, or vulnerable at this time, and you might need to help out. Make your home a safe haven and let your loved ones find shelter here.


Don’t: buy money pits, long for what you can’t have, invest first and ask questions later, buy into self-pity.

Do: enjoy time at home, move to a place more aligned, accept the family you have, remove toxic people.



Keywords: communication, perception, local life, siblings, the media, learning.


Neptune in Aries makes you much, much more psychic as your intuition becomes more integrated into your everyday perception: it’s just easier to tap into knowledge you don’t know you have. On the downside, it’s also easier to see what you wish to see and to get bamboozled by people’s lies and deceptions, so please trust your gut more than your head and do your own research where necessary.


This, however, is a wonderful time for communication of all kinds, especially creative communication such as writing, stand-up comedy, poetry, and other forms of art-making (including multi-media arts, videos, etc.) Let new ideas be born and go for them. Don’t be afraid to invent something new (or to reinvent the wheel – who cares?) and to create your own little world of art that makes you happy.


In actual communication, you might have to be more careful that you’re clear about what you want to say, and that you avoid misunderstandings. On a more positive note, compassionate and intuitive-led communication becomes easier as people can understand you on more than just a logical level.


Lastly, this is a time to set some boundaries around media consumption, what you read or intellectually consume, and advertisements of all kinds: with Neptune here, you’re more susceptible to the subliminal messages and energies of those things, and they can more easily negatively affect you. Make sure you consume more positive news coverage than fear-based negative ones to protect your mental, emotional, and physical health.


Don’t: put on the news 24/7, watch harmful TV, videos, or advertising, mindlessly scroll on social media, buy into illusions.

Do: trust your gut, do your own research, be creative, consume content in smaller doses, learn something new, enjoy life.




Keywords: values, self-worth, finances, assets, monetizable skills.


This astrological event affects your money and values. At this time, it’s quite tempting to lose sight of your finances and overspend, while at the same time, income and money may fluctuate in ways you can feel and see intuitively, but that you often don’t quite understand. Money may feel like a mysterious, hard-to-grasp and harder to understand concept. Becoming disengaged from your finances is the wrong route, but releasing attachment to the power money and finances hold over you mysteriously aids your cash flow. Faith, trust, spiritual tools, etc. can also help you manage your finances better and manifest more money (if you stay surrendered and accept any outcome).


Now, let’s talk about values. Neptune in Aries for you intuitively and spiritually guides you around the topic of what really matters for you and even what your moral compass is. You might become much more compassionate and tolerant of others (here, please be careful that you don’t become so tolerant and compassionate that you let others treat you badly). This will inform your values and make you change your mind on some of the things that you believe. You’re also guided to become more compassionate with yourself. You might not be able to fully grasp what you value or why until you’re in a situation where it reveals itself: listen to what feels right, even if you can’t understand it.


Neptune in Aries has a huge effect on you. One of those effects is on who you believe you are and where you think your worth lies. Around this time, you might start to feel like you have less self-worth and that others can’t see you. This is an illusion: please surround yourself with people who believe in you and help you see your gifts. Following a spiritual or faith-based path of love may help you gain your worth from the divine, which helps mitigate that effect.


Don’t: let yourself lose sight of who you are, become too tolerant of other people’s nonsense, overspend, get scammed.

Do: listen to your intuition about money, do what feels right intuitively, make money off of your desire to help others.



Further Reading:

Mentioned in this Article:

Neptune in Aries general and personal (2025-2039) and history (1042-2025)

Saturn in Aries general and personal (05/2025-04/2028)


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