March 30th, 2025, Neptune will first enter Aries. January 26th, 2026, it will move into the sign completely – and it’ll stay till March 23rd, 2039. That’s 14 years for an event that only happens every 165 years or so.
So… it’s a big deal. Just as with my articles on Pluto, I will therefore analyze this event from multiple angles.
My previous article (Neptune in Aries and Our Changing Society: Fighting the Good Fight) focuses on the societal changes Neptune in Aries may bring. This one is focused on you as an individual – what you can expect, and how you can work with this energy. And the next article builds on this with in-the-sign interpretations (please read this article last.)
I admit that I’m not going to write down everything I see and expect, as Neptune in Aries brings changes to areas of life that are… a hotbed of discussion right now, to put it mildly. While I’m an honest person, I do not wish to be persecuted for writing about things that aren’t even based on my personal opinions, but rather my astrological analysis of the future.
However, before we start: human beings have choices. We can always choose how we dance with the planet’s journey through Aries, or, in practical terms, with the topics we’ll encounter worldwide, societally, and on a much more personal level.
Part of Neptune in Aries means to realize where we leak and give away our power and our own agency… and we realize this so we can fix it. So, don’t pretend you’re a victim of the planets when they’re trying to help you. Don’t forget that agency still lies within you.
Before we jump in, here are the dates for this event. (If you don't want to read this, click here.)
Dates and Times
Exact Dates of Neptune in Aries:
On March 30th, 2025, Neptune will first enter the sign of Aries. However, due to a phenomenon called retrograde, Neptune actually moves backward and re-enters Pisces a couple of times before it finally settles into Aries. The exact dates of Neptune in Aries are:
March 30th, 2025, – October 22nd, 2025,
January 26th, 2026, – May 22nd, 2038,
October 21, 2038, – March 23rd, 2039.
If you’d like to read about Neptune in Pisces, click here.
Looking Towards the Future, Remembering the Past
Part of this article comes from looking at the history of Neptune in Aries. The last two times Neptune was in this sign were:
April 30th, 1697, – September 8th, 1697,
March 1st, 1698, – July 3rd, 1710,
September 3rd, 1710, – April 22nd, 1711,
December 8th, 1711, – February 12th, 1712.
…and 1861-1875:
April 13th, 1861, – October 1st, 1861,
February 14th, 1862, – June 8th, 1874,
September 30th, 1874, – April 7th, 1875.
The next time will be the years 2188 – 2203.

Neptune in Aries: Magic of Hope, Heroes, and Power
Aries is, in a nutshell, very much about the power of agency. This means that rather than ruling the power of, f.e., a government, Aries rules the power of individual people: from the teacher who gets to choose how they interact with their students, to the stay-at-home parent who determines their own schedule, to the teen who decides their career, to you and all the choices you can make on a personal level.
With Neptune in this sign, there are two seemingly contrary movements happening at once, and we’ll start with the more negative one: giving away your personal power.
Giving Away Your Power
Essentially, people can give away their power by forgetting they have a choice, or by not seeing all the options that they reasonably have. They can also give away power by putting things they don’t want to deal with on someone else’s shoulders (which can mean that they grow dependent on others or get into a bad place because they just didn’t deal with something/had someone else deal with it the wrong way). Or we can give our power away by simply dealing with whatever other people shove at us without realizing that we can say No and set boundaries, a.k.a.: that we have the power to say Stop or to refuse being co-opted.
We can also give away our power by simply being too lazy/passive/peace-loving to fight when someone else erodes our choices or slowly maneuvers us into a situation where we have fewer options or powers to begin with.
Under Neptune in Aries, this becomes a theme. However, there are things we can do if we keep them in mind, and we can support and protect ourselves from the darkness these themes can bring – I’ll write about them below Firstly, I want to finish this chapter by bringing in the final way that Neptune can tempt us to give our power away: victim mode.
“Victim-mode” is something very different than being a victim, as being a victim means you have no choice in the matter (say, you were mugged or something else horrible happened to you – that impacts you for years and decades after the event was over). But victim-mode means that you absolve yourself of all the power that you actually have to better your situation… which can look like refusing to heal from a bad experience after it happened. Another way “victim mode” plays out is when someone actively, willingly, and unnecessarily puts themselves in situations that make them feel oppressed or bad about themselves (even when the oppression is just in their own minds). As an example, choosing to be continuously late for work and then “playing the victim” when the “bad, evil boss” lays into them and tells them to be punctual, or “oppresses them.” Or, interpreting every single event happening to them as “due to discriminatory oppression,” when sometimes, it was just a case of “accidents happen,” or even “well, you did insult them to their face first.”
Neptune is a wonderful planet that brings many positive things (that we’ll talk about), but it also has the unfortunate weakness of amplifying the tendency to be passive, and/or stay stuck in victim-mode.
HOWEVER! Neptune sits in Aries, which means it guides us through a process that puts us back in touch with our power. In other words: This stuff won’t fly with Neptune in Aries! At least not for long.

Remember Your Power
The biggest advice for people under Neptune in Aries is this: remember your power. Remember what you can do. Remember the choices you do have.
If someone tries to hoist work onto you that is theirs to do, you can say No. You can go a step further by saying No and then not doing the work! (I’m serious – some people say “No” and then consistently act against their own words – if this is you, then people will not take your No seriously, they’ll keep coming to you because they know you’re allowing yourself to be used.)
If someone’s rude or aggressive, you get to defend yourself or remove yourself from the situation. Yes, sometimes, there will be backlash, but under Neptune in Aries, avoiding self-defense altogether can put you in jeopardy. Sometimes, the backlash is worth it – just make sure to defend yourself appropriately (which includes not overdoing it).
Another aspect of this is to remember that most situations of someone undermining our power start slowly and gradually. Set boundaries – and do it quickly, before you’re in a situation you can’t get out of. If you’re in a situation you can’t get out of, ask yourself if you really can’t, or if you just don’t like what it is you have to do to get out of it: awareness of having an option you don’t want to use gives you more power than pretending there is no option… and you might come up with another alternative if you allow all options to surface in your thoughts. (Brainstorming works better when you don’t filter yourself.)
A big part of this is knowing what choices you have in the first place. Every single Yes-or-No offer, deal, or even ultimatum has not two, but three possible answers: “Yes,” “No,” and “Not like this,” or alternatively: “I refuse to play your game by your rules.” The latter requires some out-of-the-box thinking that we’ll be getting a boost for under Pluto in Aquarius. It also requires a whole lot of creativity to pull off, and admittedly doesn’t always present a viable option: but as long as we remember that we have the 3rd option, we have a better shot at creating the life we actually want to lead: We stop acting like victims that have to color in the lines that someone else drew for us, without any agency in setting those lines for ourselves. And while this doesn’t lead to complete freedom (some lines are necessary, others suck but aren’t optional), it sets us free in many regards.
Lastly, the next 14 years are not a time to hand our power over to others on a silver platter, especially not in ways you can’t retract again. This is going to prove very interesting politically because we will see more and more people in power trying to erode the options and agency on the individual level… in ways that might very well work. Politically, this will be either covert or sold under deception as “done for peace, compassion, and humanitarian values.” But trust me – that’s not the effect we’ll see in the world.
The good news is that there will be some people who see what’s going on and step onto the plate to fight for the opposite and wish to preserve freedom. The other good news is that you, as an individual, can decide whether you let this happen, or not. Not only that: by actually thinking through the consequences of person A’s thoughts/policy X and by looking at how those grand ideals are supposed to be implemented, you can start to see what’s happening and opt out of it. Your intuition is your biggest ally here… and so is the knowledge that you won’t have easy access to all vital information for any political/grand-scale decision, even if people insist you have it.
So, in summary: Under Neptune in Aries, the tendency to give your own power away may be bigger than it was, but this is part of a process meant to put you in touch with all the ways you are powerful. There are things you can do to help you, and the biggest one is to remember who you are and what you know. By the way, we’ve gotten a preview of all of the above since Chiron entered Aries in 2018. It’ll only be much more powerful and bigger than we’re used to… with more deception and propaganda, too. This energy will stick around for the next 14 years.

Who Are You? - Identity in Flux
Neptune is all about our sense of identity, and even our ego. Neptune is all about ego death and diffusion. So... interesting combination, right?
In a nutshell, this means that we’ll get both more, and less certain about who we truly are inside. Let’s start with the shadow potential. We’ll be more prone to believe delusions and lies about who we are. This can both come from the outside: f.e., mainstream media telling us that “everyone from demographic group A is like XYZ,” so you’ll feel like you are/have to be a certain way. Another example could be an intimate partner/friend group consistently telling you “You really are/aren’t XYZ” even though that’s wrong until you internalize it. Obviously, some people are more susceptible to this, and others are more resistant.
But what’s really much more dangerous is the lies and delusions we believe about ourselves. Especially between 2025 and 2027, as Neptune, Saturn, and Chiron are in the sign of identity simultaneously, the confusion and the past- or pain-based delusions about who we are become a very big deal. Energetic enmeshments are also going to be detangled so that we can further the process of stripping away false identities to heal ourselves and build better and truer ones.
But even after Saturn and Chiron leave the sign, Neptune remains here till 2039: until then, delusions and lies about yourself might be easier to believe. Therefore, it’s extra-important to commit to self-compassion and above that, to truth.
The good news is that the same astrological event also creates something beautiful: an identity that goes beyond our personal sense of self, our minds, the sum of our actions, or our pasts. Neptune aids everything that’s spiritually/religiously and intuitively fed, so many people will find identity – especially within/through religion. Neptune brings in a transcendental perspective, which means that our experience of who we are deep down becomes more soul-led and transcendentalist.
Getting there might be a process – it won’t be immediate, nor will it frankly be a “one-and-done” kind of thing. Expect confusion around who you are, especially if you’re at one of the ages where identity crises are more likely. But please remember that this has a purpose that’ll get you to a more self-compassionate and truer identity… if you give it enough time.
The Power of Compassion
Neptune in Aries is a time where “feeling compassion” isn’t enough: you have to act on it.
“Compassion” literally means: with (=com) passion, or “with fire.” Compassion isn’t necessarily just this fuzzy, or semi-painful to actually painful feeling you have for others, it’s also something that guides action, and under Neptune in Aries, this action is highlighted.
It’s time to put your money where your mouth is (especially for Pisces Risings, by the way!) and it’s time to walk your talk. If you realize that your brand of compassion isn’t something you can live or act on without damaging yourself or others, that’s great information to have: maybe it’s a sign that you need to re-evaluate your perspective on what’s going on, or what compassionate action should mean.
You’ll also experience situations where the most compassionate thing is the word “stop.” Even if someone doesn’t like you because you say it, stopping someone from harming themselves or others is compassion, too. One very important life area that will be highlighted for this is addiction/addicts and misuse of power. Under Neptune in Aries, it’s time to put an end to it and save everyone involved. Tough love works better and might make a difference during this time. (Obviously, I’m talking about tough love, not abuse masquerading as love.)
However, this is not a time to self-sacrifice for others (Libra Risings, I especially mean you right now – but also, I mean everyone) This is a time to learn how service to others can co-exist with healthy boundaries that protect the self. Under this energy, you don’t have to save the world… but we start to see where we, as individuals, can do an itty, bitty thing to make it better.

So… remember when I talked about all the ways in which to help save the world (like last sentence)?
Wellllll... there’s an important caveat for this. Neptune in Aries makes us look for or want to be the hero. Which is great – heroes are awesome, and we should all to some extent try to be one.
But you can’t save everyone.
You can’t save people who don’t want to be saved.
You don’t have unlimited energy, strength, or resources to save everyone.
And a hero complex unchecked tends to lead to burnout.
So please, keep that in mind.
That being said, this is a time to meet your hero within (thanks, Mariah Carey) and have faith in who you are. This is also a time to help the heroes around you – don’t put them on a pedestal, and don’t let yourself be deceived into making someone a hero when they’re not, but aid the ones you know.
A hero unappreciated becomes a burnt-out husk with time. And heroes work better when they have a support system that’s dedicated to making sure that they can do the work they need to do.
So, help your heroes and yourself.

Strength of Sensitivity
We live in a world where it’s easy to see strength in being tough, being physically strong, being mentally resilient, and “not caring” emotionally. Sure, we’ve learned a lot about “needing to feel and to be vulnerable” (the cynic in me wants to say: especially when clicks are involved), but we still see strength in the angry people, the soldiers, the boss babes, and the CEOs. And that’s very valid – all of these people are very, very strong. Not only that but under Neptune in Aries, we’ll be looking for this strength and appreciating it more and more, especially when those people fight for others, too.
But there’s a different sort of strength in sensitivity.
The world needs the pillars of strength that hold up society, that stand as a bulwark against abuse and physical threats, and that function even under the most horrid circumstances to keep us all running.
And the world needs those whose greatest strength is their capacity to love. Those who can’t not care. Those whose great sensitivity provides an early warning system for the rest of the world, whose very toughness might make them ignore issues that are there. It is a different kind of strength, and under Neptune in Aries, it’s very necessary to create peace, allow for understanding within discord, and for us to remain healthy and whole.
Find your strength not only in your toughness, but in your apparent weakness and sensitivity, too – that way, you’ll create a beautiful life in the next 14 years, and beyond.
Under Neptune in Aries, your energy might be up for fluctuations and leakage. This can look like a tendency to overestimate your own capacity and to say Yes to way too many tasks, projects, and commitments (especially 2025-2027), or it can look like literally feeling like you aren’t quite as energized as usual. More importantly, people are more prone to burnout, diffuse headaches, and fevers. If this is you, your intuition can and will show you a way out of the symptoms. Please listen to your body and don’t work till you drop. This energy is especially difficult for people with past burnout experiences.
Neptune in Aries has and holds a lot more positive energy, especially at the individual level than Neptune in Pisces (2012-2026). It’ll also lead to some interesting changes. However, as you can see, it requires us to work a little to make our lives better and to pay attention to what the people around us are doing. But with enough caution and intuition, this can become a great time.
I hope this article helped you – in-the-sign predictions are here.)
Recommended Reading:
At the beginning of this event, Neptune joins forces with Saturn in a rare and magical event. This spans from 2025 and 2026. I also have another article on Neptune: Neptune in Aries and Our Changing Society: Fighting the Good Fight
You can find a Neptune Compilation: All Articles, too.
Other than this, I recommend:
Thanks so much for reading, and see you soon.
May you remember your power,
Astrology from the Soul
Is there a print option for articles? I want to print your Neptune in Aries articles--which are fantastic-- thank you so much for them--without copying and pasting and reformatting if possible. ( looks weird I know but it is not fishy, just a version of my standard email address that prevents tracking)