The second eclipse of three plants seeds for relationships, equity, and love. The Micro Solar Eclipse in Libra comes to us on October 2nd.
So, let’s first clear up those fancy words and then jump into the eclipse itself.

Explaining the Terms…
What’s an Eclipse?
Eclipses are what happens when the Sun, Moon, and Earth align in such a way in the sky that either the Sun’s or Moon’s light is significantly dimmed. As an example, an eclipse happening on a New Moon is a Solar Eclipse – here, the Moon blocks out or dims the Sun’s light (at least we perceive it that way from Earth). Solar eclipses aren’t always visible, depending on where we live in the world. However, we can still feel the impact of this particular eclipse even if we can’t see it ourselves.
What’s a Micro Eclipse?
Just as a Super Moon is a new moon, full moon, or eclipse that happens closest to Planet Earth on the Moon’s orbit, a Micro Moon is a new moon, full moon, or eclipse that happens at the farthest point of the Moon’s orbit around Earth. This means that this eclipse is more muted and subtle than usual… but that doesn’t mean that it carries no impact. Sometimes, it’s the subtle things that seed change later on.
Eclipse Season
Eclipses happen 2-3 times per year and they come in pairs or triplets. This is the final season of 2024 and the 2nd eclipse out of 3: The other eclipses happened on September 18th or will happen on October 17th.

Throwing Fire: The Solar Eclipse in Libra
This Solar Eclipse in Libra asks us to clean house… or sparks events that clean house for us. Under this astrological influence, tempers erupt and harsh words will be spoken.
Normally, I’d say something along the lines that the truth is hard to hear. But to be completely honest, this eclipse is only partially about truth. A large part of it is about the barbed wire wrapped around our hearts and how we let rage (sometimes righteous rage) get the best of us because of it. If we’re bitter about something, it will bubble to the surface right now – and, due to the close conjunction of the eclipse to the South Node, Black Moon Lilith, and Mercury, it won’t just hover in our minds. If we aren’t careful, it will erupt in unfair ways that lack integrity, kindness, and self-responsibility.
And what’s worse, with the ruler in the sign of Scorpio and Mars square to the eclipse – we’ll know what to say that really hurts. Maximum damage is easily achieved, and not all wounds you draw in another can be healed again.
Speaking our minds is still necessary in this eclipse. Standing up for what’s right and seeking liberation is still vital at this time. Honesty is still recommended. The problem lies in the how. If we wish to deal with a problem, torching the entire place can get the job done… in some cases, it’s even the only workable solution. If that’s the case for you on this eclipse, and it very well may be, then that’s great. However, the issues come if a proverbial fireball is unnecessary, or at worst, misdirected.
Black Moon Lilith teaches us that often, we look for outside oppressors to blame when we have been spending all that time enabling our own oppression – sometimes to the point where we were our true slave master and the other person had no idea we were suffering. In those cases, it’s tempting to throw all our fire against the other party (and again: sometimes, that’s very much justified). But if we don’t get honest with our own role in our suffering, we’ll run from one oppressor straight into the arms of another one. Same problem, different packaging.
While we need to end cycles that hurt us on this eclipse, we also need to address the actual problem at its roots: and that may be a difficult energy to step into on this eclipse, as it emphasizes passionate rage explosions and taking action, rather than taking the time to check if what you’re doing solves the issue you wish to address, or perpetuates it. At this time, it’s too easy to cause inequity while attempting to gain justice. This theme is incredibly strong throughout this eclipse: especially when it comes to sexes and gender.
This eclipse fires up the conflicts between sexes and gender. However, throwing gasoline on men as a group doesn’t undo the pain of the past generations, especially not in cultures that have grown a lot from past abusive structures. Individual men who still perpetuate abuse are a whole different issue. Going against individual laws is also a different issue. But punishing present-day men, as a whole, even if they’ve done nothing? No. Railing against women as a whole for being mean on social media or for the wounds individual women caused within you – that also doesn’t undo injustice. Specific individual women who perpetuate verbal abuse? Again, different issue. Specific behaviors – again, different issue. But as a whole, that’s unfair.
While this eclipse may plant a seed that eventually causes a betterment of a situation – while this eclipse, on a societal level or in your personal life, may cause a radical new beginning – it’s not an energy that promotes peace, or fairness. It’s actually one that, while attempting to rail against old patterns and structures of the past, may cause actions that fall short of that goal. Because of that, it’s important to keep in mind that we need to choose justice over vengeance – and that, when we’re angry enough, they may look frighteningly similar.
On this eclipse, take a breath and count to ten before you flip your b-switch. Practice stress relief and mindfulness. Don’t let yourself fall into old patterns you’ve spent years trying to break.
Now that we’ve focused a lot on what not to do, let’s talk about the areas of your life where fighting may be necessary – and what else to expect. Let’s get into personal, in-the-sign predictions!

Personal In-the-Sign-Predictions
Please read Rising, Sun, and Moon signs. Also, please keep in mind that in-the-sign predictions aren’t as tailored to you as a personal reading. If you’d like one, you can get one here.
Shortcuts: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. Recommended Reading.
Keywords: 1-on-1 relationships, business partnership, marriage, love, commitment.
This eclipse asks you to put your people-pleasing tendencies and the ways you’ve held back your truths on a funeral pyre and strike a match. It’s time to be honest about what you need in relationships. It’s time to clean house when it comes to which relationships serve you and which have become detrimental to you. What matters here is to take things deeper and be radically honest with yourself. The truth sets you free – so let it burn.
Keywords: health, wellbeing, work routines, chores, work, pets, being of service, environment.
This eclipse asks you to fight yourself free so that you can do the work that lights you up. It’s not freedom for freedom’s sake, but freedom so you can fulfill your purpose. At this time, you may also fight inequity and injustices in your workplace – be it with employees, co-workers, or bosses. Don’t let people treat you like a slave, fight for your rights. Also, another focus of this work is on your health. Do what it takes to fight for your well-being.
Keywords: pleasure, children, romance, creativity, fertility.
This eclipse is a great time to get spicy in the bedroom. It’s also a wonderful time to create provocative and avant-garde art, music, writing, and other creative endeavors. Fight for your right to freely express who you are. Prioritize your pleasure and, if necessary, fight for a break from the grind. Happiness isn’t a right, but it’s still something you deserve to have. Lastly, this eclipse may see conflicts around kids, parenting, and fertility.
Keywords: home, family, private life, foundations, your roots, parents.
This eclipse is a time to clean house and have tough conversations with toxic family members that were long overdue. Otherwise, it may not be a good time to bring up family issues as, again, the energies and therefore conflicts may easily get out of hand. At this time, fight for your right to a good and safe home. Fight for your right to belong. This eclipse may see a new beginning or change within your family, home, or foundations.
Keywords: communication, the mind, learning, the media, perception, local life, siblings, trade.
This eclipse marks a time of heightened communication, specifically communication that leads to deep and important talks, and even a new beginning. It also marks a time of learning something new – whether it is about your own mind or the world at large. Be kind to yourself in your inner dialogue and don’t take verbal abuse. Lastly, your siblings, neighbors, or local life may see or spark a new beginning.
Keywords: values, self-worth, finances, monetizable skills.
This eclipse shows you how to put your money where your mouth is. It also tests the values you hold and how willing you actually are to live them. This is the time to get on the mat and defend your principles. This is also a time to fight for the income and financial situation you’d like to have and/or deserve. This eclipse may cause a new beginning in finances and/or a radical change in your values or self-worth.
Keywords: identity, life path, new beginnings, your body, your exterior.
You are by far the most impacted by this eclipse and it may cause an intense experience for you. A Solar Eclipse is all about a new beginning, and for you, this happens in the area of your identity, sense of self, or lifepath. This may mean that some of you change the way you think about yourselves, or even grow in tremendous ways. Some may encounter huge new beginnings in life. Whatever it is, embrace the change – even if it’s subtle at first and grows into something tangible later.
Keywords: rest, release, necessary endings, reflection, spirituality, energetic realities, alone time.
This eclipse is happening in the house of the unconscious and the hidden for you, which may make it harder for you to figure out what’s actually going on around you, and where your own role in the present situation is. Intuition guides you right at this time if only you’ll listen. While this eclipse does spark a new beginning, its emphasis is on cleaning house first: any endings that may (or may not) come to you at this time are necessary and unavoidable. Please know that they’re happening for your highest good. Some of you may feel more isolated at this time. Please know that this won’t last.
Keywords: community, friends, groups, social media, hopes and dreams for the future, the future after 50.
This eclipse is happening in your house of friends, community, and social media. This may mean that it’s time to clean house and get brutally honest with yourself about which company you keep… and who they truly are as human beings. You may also get confronted with societal themes and social media madness in a much more involved way than other signs. However, this eclipse also sparks a new beginning and asks you to fight for your long-term plans. Fight for your dreams, goals, and future!
Keywords: career, mission, public life, authority, reputation, father (figures).
This eclipse impacts your work more than anything else. You may have to put out some fires in your career or public life, and you may even need to defend your reputation. However, this eclipse also sparks a new beginning in the ways you do your work (and that can be very positive). Be mindful of what fights you pick with authority figures and how to win them.
Keywords: belief systems, broadening horizons, teaching, learning, ethics, luck, travel.
This eclipse confronts you with the issues, wounds, and inconsistencies of whatever beliefs you hold – whether they’re psychological, philosophical, political, religious, or other. This is a time to pay attention and listen to your heart, not your anger (fanatics rarely find truths). However, it’s also a time of learning from people who come from different backgrounds than you and hold different perspectives – so you can find more truth in your life. That being said, please fight for what you know is right. You might want to take extra care when traveling and avoid accidents.
Keywords: the wound, truth, trust, healing, intimacy/sexuality, shared resources.
This eclipse confronts you with whatever truths you were ignoring or were hidden from you. At this time, it’s important to hold clear boundaries with people and to hold them accountable if they don’t treat you in ethical ways. This eclipse may also spark a new beginning with shared resources (anything from alimony to taxes and trust funds) and intimacy or sexuality.
Recommended reading:
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So much love and see you soon,
Astrology from the Soul.