Mars, planet of action, conflict, passion, and masculinity, turns retrograde and draws our energy inward from December 6th, 2024, to February 24th, 2025 (Universal Time). Mars retrograde happens about every 2 years and they are noticeable: these are the times when we feel like we’re wading through mud, like our energy is at its lowest point, like conflicts erupt from nowhere, and like we just can’t move forward…
Or can we?
Mars Retrograde brings many gifts, one of them being insight born from reflection. Another is rest, and a third one is clarity that comes from retracing our steps and reconsidering the impact of past actions – and how we’d like to shape our future, now that we fully understand our past and present.
I’ve named this event: “There Go My Heroes” because in a nutshell, this Mars Retrograde asks us to find the heroes we need… within ourselves, and within the people we interact with on a daily basis. We all need a hero to help us through tough times. And sometimes, we’re lucky enough to become a hero for others, and ourselves.
This article is sectioned into:
The interpretation for your Sun and Rising signs is additional information that does not include or summarize what I’ve already covered above (so, the entire article is relevant for you – please don’t skip the biggest part of it).
If this article helps you, please consider donating to support my work so I can keep writing articles like this. Also, did you know I have a newsletter? Subscribe to stay up-to-date on astrology and my work!
An Introduction to Mars Retrogrades:
A Quick Explanation of the Terms:
This Mars Retrograde (or Mars Rx) starts in the sign of Leo: from our view on Earth, the planet seems to halt its movement and then turn around and move backward through the zodiac (in reality, our planet Earth is simply passing Mars in space, which creates an optical illusion). So, rather than continuing going 6-7-8-9° Leo, Mars suddenly moves 6-5-4-3° Leo. Eventually, it re-enters the previous sign, Cancer. Once the retrograde ends, it moves forward again and reclaims lost ground, then moves further. Mars retrogrades happen almost every 2 years but affect different signs each time.
Mars retrogrades impact Aries and Scorpio Sun, Moon, and Rising people the most, though this one has an extra-strong impact on Leo, Aquarius, and Cancer Sun and Rising, too (and obviously, all other signs are affected too, just less so).
The Dates:
Mars Retrograde starts on December 6th, 2024. It re-enters the previous sign of Cancer on January 6th, 2025, and lasts until February 24th, 2025. However, the themes of this event will last (and the energy will be felt) from October 2024 until May 2025.
Now, let’s discuss what this all means.

Mars Retrograde and What to Expect: Mitigating Mars’s Mayhem
As mentioned earlier, Mars Retrogrades can be painfully slow – in the sense that we feel like we just can’t get ahead no matter how hard we try, and that our efforts don’t get us anywhere. This has a very good reason: during Mars Retrograde times, we’re not supposed to throw all our energy into our outside world. Rather, we’re supposed to pour some of our energy into achieving progress (of our usual sort)… and the rest of our energy into ourselves. This is a time for rest mixed with action, not for full steam ahead. If we try to do the latter, we generally feel stuck, burnt out, or even like we’re just continuously running against a wall.
Not everyone experiences Mars Retrograde as a time of bad things happening, and the difference between those who suffer under this event and those who don’t is simply two things: 1) how much exhaustion accumulated since the last retrograde (October 2022-January 2023), and 2) how much you’re allowing yourself to rest, release, and reflect on the past and present. This is not a time to run away from what your heart tells you to do: this is a time to slow down and listen. Good advice for Mars retrogrades is to prepare for less progress and achievements, more need for introversion and “me-time,” and more tiredness and need for sleep. But with preparation and scheduling (as well as managing expectations), the effects aren’t quite as intense.
Finally, Mars retrograde is much more intense for men, as Mars rules the hormone testosterone that’s present in all humans, but MUCH more dominant in men. If you fall into this testosterone-dominated category, prioritizing 8h of sleep daily and throwing in high-intensity and strength-building training seems to help (note: I’m not a doctor, nor is this medical advice – I’m not even a man, this is just what I’m hearing from the lovely guys in my life). If you don’t fall into that category, please give a guy you know who’s struggling a hug.
Now, let’s get into the real fun stuff relevant for everybody.

Follow Your Heart
This Mars Retrograde starts in Leo and stays in the sign till January 6th, 2025, after which it journeys through the sign of Cancer until the end of the retrograde, February 24th, 2025. Therefore, one of the biggest themes of this astrological event is following your heart. Sounds cheesy, but this is advice we can’t hear often enough since it’s easily said, but much easier to ignore when our heads, social pressures, and frankly, our own ideas of what’s right or wrong make us push our hearts to the side and walk a different path. Admit it, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
This Mars Retrograde confronts us quite intensely with all the ways we’ve been living, or not living, according to our hearts’ deepest needs and desires. Especially the first month (Dec 6th – Jan 6th) will excavate and unearth all the things we may have been running from that’s our soul’s plan to do in this lifetime.
Under this influence, relationships that weren’t for us to begin with, or stopped being for us some time ago, will finally end. Especially in the first month, we’ll see power struggles that ask us to transform or end relations of all kinds (including friendships) with people our hearts are ready to let go of/reject for various reasons. Past relational pain may come up to the surface to be released, especially around February 2025.
But this goes beyond following our hearts in love: sometimes, our hearts ask us to walk a different career path or adjust something else in our lives. From December to January 6th, we’re being asked to be brave. From January 6th to February 24th, we’re being asked to make our home on the road we’re meant to walk on and to emotionally adjust to the changes we need to make.
This also leads us to a final point for this section: authenticity. Mars Rx in Leo shows us where we need to align our actions with our true selves so we can become more authentic. Mars Rx entering Cancer (Jan 6th onward) asks us to protect all the parts we hold that aren’t ready to be seen by the world just yet. Here, we’re asked to nourish ourselves and build healthy defenses of privacy and shelter in our lives. But seeking shelter doesn’t mean going into hiding: January 6th onward, especially mid-February, we may need more time for ourselves and in our safe bubble of loved ones… but in that bubble, we can be authentic and show the world who we truly are.

Reclaiming Your Agency
Part of this – and something that surpasses the themes we’ve just covered – is the next theme of this Mars Rx: Reclaiming our agency.
People frequently fall into the trap of overtly or subtly giving away their power. This can look like letting other people walk all over us, or it can look like letting thoughts like “what would other people think” or “I can’t do that, that’s too mainstream” run amok with us and rule the decisions we make. It can look like living our lives by an arbitrary script rather than asking ourselves what we would want to be responsible for – in our own lives, and in the impact we have on others.
Frankly, the Mercury Retrograde of Summer 2024 already showed us where we give our own power away and where we need to reclaim it – remember that timeframe (August 5th-28th, 2024) and what came up in your life and in your soul around then. Now, we’re meeting the theme again: and we’re being asked to do more than just checking in where we (sub)consciously let other people, social pressures, or other things rule our decisions and play circus director over our own lives. Now, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is, walk your talk, and reclaim the reins of your own life.
This Mars Retrograde asks: Would you still make the same choices if you fully realized that you hold the power to choose any option? Whatever choice you make, it’s yours to make. You may ultimately make your choice for others – for great reasons, like to help those you love, or simply to avoid the understandably uncomfortable consequences of controversy – but it’s you who’s in the driver’s seat making your present choice. It’s your job to figure out if you can live with the path you’re taking: the people in the back blaring their opinions at you may influence which path you take – but only if you let them. Because it’s your hands on the steering wheel that lead you through the turns, not theirs.
This topic requires some nuance. Sometimes, the people around us offering their opinions (or forcing them on us) are right: they have good reasons for what they ask of us, they know a better path through life than we do, they’re directly impacted by our choices and thereby have a say, or they see things we have blind spots around. So, this event is not about going on an ego trip and selfishly and immaturely throwing all caution and concerns in the wind, even if you negatively impact others by doing so: Agency means to know and remember your power independent of others, it doesn’t mean to see life through a self-centered lens that ignores reason, wisdom, and all other people around you.
The reason why I’m bringing this up is that this Mars Retrograde doesn’t reward selfish isolationist choices: it’s that this event brings a showdown into our lives between our sense of agency and our very real and very necessary responsibility for others. As a matter of fact, there can be very real and prominent showdowns in our lives between either our selfish desires and the very real needs of the world around us; or the desires of our heart and the selfish wants of the world.
But there’s also so much more…

Fighting For Others
Mars Retrograde goes from Leo to Cancer, the sign of family, home, the vulnerable, and the people we truly, deeply love. During this timeframe especially (Jan 6th – Feb 24th), we’re asked to fight not (only) for us, but for them, too. However, it should be a choice we make from our hearts, which is why I’ve only covered this massive theme after talking about following our hearts and our own agency (or the ability to realize where we’re in charge of ourselves).
Choosing to prioritize those we love is a very rewarding thing that often makes us grow and helps us achieve self-mastery. This Mars Retrograde gives us the opportunity and ignites our need to become a hero and protector that places others before the self for the sake of others, and also for the sake of the personal reward and strength we gain from playing this role. (This is another reason why the agency piece is so important to have covered – we can’t be a hero if we don’t know we’re in charge, and if we don’t know we’re the decision-makers, we might be drawn into the wrong fights for the wrong things, too).
During this particular Mars Retrograde, we may be confronted with one or multiple situations where we should advocate for or protect others. This can be strangers (especially until January 6th) in a more social/political context, or it can be our loved ones and those more vulnerable than us and don’t have a voice. Under Mars Rx in Cancer (Jan 6th-Feb 24th), we’re fully asked to protect what matters. And we’re asked to do so in a way that’s authentic to us and that’s a direct expression not only of what protection is needed but also of our own hearts.
Some of us are born fighters who don’t mind being combative for a person who’s mistreated. Others don’t have that gift – but they protect others by providing a shelter that allows them to be safe and gather their resources to continue their fight another day. Some people fight by sitting with others and helping them heal their wounds, others by showing someone how to step into their own power and solve the problem. Fighting can look like many things to many people – find the avenues that a) work, and b) that you are capable of and gifted in.

Heroes, Big and Small
Mars Retrograde always brings a theme around conflict. In this article, I’ve already spoken to three major ways how this can play out:
Your heart’s desires vs. the expectations of the world,
Your very real responsibility towards others vs. your own surface-level wants,
A fight born out of the need to protect someone else.
The second one, of course, is not a fight you should have – especially under this Mars Retrograde. Other than this, though, these conflicts coming into your life (that you can try but likely won’t be able to ignore) ask you to become the hero in your own special way.
A hero for yourself, solving your own problems.
A hero for others by helping those who can’t help themselves.
A hero of your own story by following the advice of your heart, which creates a better world.
We’re also all going to see the necessity and the true character of the real heroes around us, whoever they are. Some will be strong and boisterous; some will be quiet but capable of helping the world through their unique medicine. All are needed in their own special circumstances.
Heroes will become a major theme of April 2025’s shift of Neptune into Aries: so, I encourage you to pay attention now to which heroes you’d actually believe in (because this transit can reveal people’s true colors and who is or isn’t necessary), and where you are your own hero – or need a little help.
And now, to our final topic.

December 6th, 2024, to January 29th, 2025, this Mars Retrograde coincides with the North Node’s journey through the Mars-ruled sign of Aries (the latter started July 2023). Part of the North Node’s journey was a collective shift and conflict around the subject of masculinity (which also has been a big deal ever since Chiron entered Aries 2019 – but this brought a different dimension to the ongoing theme). The North Node changes sign on January 29th: until then, Mars Retrograde picks up on the major themes of the past 1 ½ years, including masculinity. You don’t have to remember or understand this astro-talk: I’ll break down what this means.
In a nutshell, this Mars Retrograde has a major theme around men and masculinity in our societies, our belief systems, and our lives. What’s new is that this astrological event leads our focus on where men and masculinity are needed, and where they need to shine/be appreciated.
Hey, but what about women? – Mars specifically rules men. Its transits impact women in many ways as well (for instance, the themes of agency, power, choices, energy, etc. are things all human beings are affected by) but just as, say, Venus or the Moon have an extra-big impact on women and literally signify/rule women in astrology, Mars especially impacts/rules men. It’s not misogynistic: we’re way more impacted by, say, Venus Rx, than men, so it evens out. If you’re not a man, take the themes of this transit that are relevant for you, and other than that, pay attention to the role men play in your life for you, whatever that looks like. There might be a shift here.
Mars moving backward through the sign of Leo means that we’re confronted with the way that men and masculinity need to take charge and step up to the plate, as well as be seen, valued, and appreciated for their actions and authentic selves by others. Yes, this is partially a theme for everyone regardless of gender, but men and the masculine are feeling this more intensely. Not only that but on a societal level, there’s a bigger focus on them.
This means that we continue to be confronted with the ways that some men in the past or present chase the limelight and/or use their power to do harm. But we also see how men either already do, or need to step up a) to combat this portion of abusive or toxic men, and/or b) where we get to/need to see the masculine in action because all fractals of individuality bring something beautiful to society (including men… which the zeitgeist right now seems to have forgotten).
Similarly, we see situations where you or someone you know hasn’t been appreciated enough or valued even when they do their best because you/they happen to be men. If this happens, we then have a choice to change things and show gratitude and appreciation so that the good men around us can shine. (And obviously, so that bad men can get consequences).
As soon as Mars Rx re-enters Cancer (January 6th), the focus then pivots to a relationship between men and women, and what women need from men to feel safe… and how many men naturally try to provide for their loved ones and wish to keep doing so. Specifically within the contexts of home, protection, family, and safety, themes around masculinity are also highlighted. Men may feel much more drawn into their own protector role (there may also be themes around the father and fatherhood for many). For women, themes around longing for protection from a man, and also wounds around not having been safe around (some) men may come to the forefront.
If we talk about “masculine” and “feminine” under the lens of energy that every human holds, then all people will feel a stronger desire to protect and provide for themselves and others – but that’s something I’ve already covered in depth in the rest of this blog post.
If this article helps you, please consider donating to support my work so I can keep writing articles like this. Also, did you know I have a newsletter? Subscribe to stay up-to-date on astrology and my work!
In the Signs:
These are generalized interpretations for your Sun and Rising sign that don’t fully cover the nuance of your specific natal chart. Please consider booking a reading if you’d like tailored-to-you information on how to work with this event.
Check your Sun and Rising Sign (ASC).
Shortcuts: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Further Reading.
The advice to follow your heart is very literal for you, Aries – follow what’s fun and make space for the pleasures of life. Maybe you even light the fire in your love life, or in creativity. Take what you learn from the experience and ground it in your home and private life, and focus on tending/nurturing yourself and others through your foundations. Family may become a theme.
Your home, family, foundations, and private life are up for a reevaluation – and they might require you to take action in some way. Themes are revealed that require more communication and learning in the second half of this astrological event. Make sure your perception matches the truth of the situation.
Your words can turn combative at this time, and they may do more damage than you think. Siblings, learning, and the way you perceive the world are also lit up – you may see that things aren’t as you thought they were. In the second half of this transit, take the knowledge you gained and act on it: themes around self-confidence and money may join the mix but will be resolved soon.
This transit starts with themes around self-confidence and the way you feel like you aren’t enough – or not brave enough to live the life you really want to have. Money and visibility may become themes, too. In the second half of this event, you’re emboldened to create the life you wish to live and to be yourself, unapologetically and fully. Own your own protectiveness and take charge of your life.
This event starts with themes around self-actualization and re-evaluation of your entire life path as you’re led to fully trust and follow your heart. Men/your own masculinity might become a huge theme in your life right now. In the second half of this transit, you’re then asked to clean house and release everything you need so you can move toward the future Spring 2025. Trust the process and have faith. Align your boldness with spiritual guidance.
This event starts with a heightened need for rest and the necessity of endings that have already taken place in your life, or that you’ll choose within these times. Then, the focus shifts to you building the future you’d like to live for the long-term… and to you building/showing up for a community you feel safe with.
This event starts off with a focus on how you live your life… and whether that serves you for your long-term future. This is the time to align your dreams with the actions you take now. Another focus for this time is your friend groups and social life: don’t be afraid to have the conflicts that are necessary. In the second half of this event, the energy shifts to your public life, reputation, authority figures in your life, and your career. Do not let others walk all over you.
This event starts out highlighting your career, public life, life’s mission, and the way you interact with authority figures. Especially in your career of choice, make sure that you don’t take the easy way to fast and surface-level success at this time, as your choices now will be revisited. Rather, take the action that creates a legacy you’re proud of. In the second half of this transit, your belief systems may be tested (align your actions with what you truly believe). Your horizons will broaden.
The first half of this astrological event highlights the beliefs you hold as well as how you do (or don’t) live into them or even defend them towards other people or other priorities. This is a time to analyze and align your deeply held belief systems and your actions. In the second half of this event, truths come out and secrets can be revealed (whether they are secrets you’ve had from yourself or secrets from others). Shared resources and intimacy are also massively highlighted, and so are death and rebirth. This is an intense event, so take care of yourself.
This event unearths and excavates what has been hidden – by you, from yourself, or by others. Now is a time to be perfectly honest with yourself and demand the same honesty from others. Themes around money, especially shared resources, and intimacy and trust may rise to the forefront. There may be a beginning of a massive death and rebirth cycle. The energy shifts somewhat come January 6th as your commitments, love life, and other one-on-one relationships are highlighted. Continue to seek the truth here and pour into the people that are meant to stay in your life. (This is a good time to meet someone/rekindle something with a past person, should you choose to do so).
This event brings up massive themes around the people, especially men, with whom you have had relationships or very committed friendships. It’s time to clean house and revisit/reflect on the past to build a better present. It’s also time to become more active and pour your focus into your loved ones. For some, new people may bring up old issues in your life, for others old people may return to your life. In any case, take the time to be there for others and be honest where you need to take care of yourself first (and let your loved ones figure things out for a moment). In the second half of this event, your health, work-life balance, job, routines, and service come into focus: this is the time to get bureaucracy done and align your life and daily habits to what serves you. Make sure you only work in ways that are sustainable as you might get suddenly and “inexplicably” exhausted if you don’t.
This event starts out putting the focus on the work you need to do – and where you’re overworking yourself and need more rest. Mars is traveling through a house that’s all about our inner energetic resources and work-life-balance: make sure you only work in a way that’s sustainable, and make sure you put out the fires in your life – for good (some themes may come back time and time again if you don’t fully resolve them the first time around). In the second half of this event, your love life, creative energy, hobbies, and children (yours, other people’s children, or physical fertility) are highlighted. This is a time to release pain from past intimate partners and enjoy life.
Further Reading:
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Thank you so much for reading this article! I hope it helped prepare you/helps you navigate this important astrological event. If you liked it, please consider sending it to a friend or leaving a donation to support my work!
May Mars be with you and remind you of your power,