On March 15th, the first Mercury Retrograde of 2025 is upon us in the signs of Aries and Pisces – and it lasts until April 7th. This Mercury Retrograde impacts technology, communication, logistics, and anything mind- or organization-based… but it’s also a gigantic new beginning, as it’s kind of a special case. No Mercury Retrograde exists out of context… and this one’s context is incredibly potent.
Shortcuts: Dates, What is a Mercury Retrograde, The Context: Why This Mercury Retrograde is Different, The Meaning of this Mercury Retrograde, In-the-Sign-Predictions, Recommended Reading.
Mercury stations retrograde on March 15th in Aries.
It re-enters Pisces on March 29th, and it officially ends on April 7th.
We’ll feel the energy building from the end of February, and dissipating until about mid-May.

What is Mercury Retrograde?
A retrograde happens when a planet appears to stop on its progression through the zodiac and actually move backward to where it used to be (this is an optical illusion). In astrological terms,
this means that the area of our lives ruled by this planet suddenly works differently than usual.
Mercury rules travel – anything from hopping on a plane to commutes, shipping, and transit – as well as technology, communication, the mind, and so on. This means that this is a time when we’ll see a lot of hiccups in travel-related endeavors (commute making you late, train missing, airplane delayed, shipment lost, etc.), as well as miscommunication, forgetting things, bad organization, and failing/hiccupping tech. Most importantly, Mercury Retrogrades are times when we need to slow down and spend some time reconsidering where we’re at right now, what our past has been, and where we’re going.
Mercury Retrogrades last for about 3 weeks (plus a time before and after when we’ll feel the energy building/dissipating) and happen around 3-4 times a year. So, as long as you know what’s coming… you’re usually great.
… however, this is far from a regular Mercury Retrograde. While issues with logistics, commutes, and your cell phone may absolutely be part of this, there are much, MUCH bigger themes this event brings up. And that leads us to the overall context.

The Big Picture
This Mercury Retrograde actually happens in the midst of a massively potent and transformative time that, to be real with you, really makes the year 2025 into one astrologers were looking ahead to and earmarking as “a big year.” We live in interesting times… and this year, never mind this spring, is part of that.
The Eclipses: the first eclipses of 2025 are taking place on March 14th and March 29th, which are a day before/during Mercury Retrograde… and actually in the same signs as Mercury Retrograde, too, which means that these events co-amplify (and don’t worry, I’ll be talking about what this means in just a bit, so you don’t have to worry that I’ll leave you hanging here). A Mercury Retrograde within an eclipse season is a massively potent event when we tend to feel a heavy realignment with fate as well as have more potent, fated, or even life-changing events happening. Part of this can be literally people or situations from the past returning.
Each eclipse is its own major event: by the time I’m publishing this article, the 2 articles aren’t out yet (but scheduled), but they’ll be linked as soon as they’re published. If you’d like to be notified when they’re up, consider clicking here and subscribing to my newsletter (also, there are bonuses such as bi-weekly forecasts in those emails… just saying, you might enjoy it!)
Venus Retrograde: Every one-and-a-half years, Venus, the planet of love, relationships, women, and money, turns retrograde as well… and this is a time when we’re hearing our hearts on blast and need to address anything that landed under the proverbial rug in our love lives. Our relationships are up for an update – for better, or for worse – money matters get interesting, and themes having to do with women become highlighted. This is a pretty big event in and of itself, but what’s super-fascinating here… is that it’s happening right on top of Mercury Retrograde: Venus Retrograde starts on March 2nd, right in the time frame when we’re starting to feel the Mercury Retrograde starting. They’re both starting in Aries, they’re changing into Pisces end-of-March (within days of each other), and ending their retrogrades in mid-April.
Venus Retrograde is its own event: which is why I have a separate article for you.
But wait – there’s more!
Tie to Mars Retrograde and Jupiter: So, remember Mars retrograde from December 6th, 2024, to February 24th, 2025? This Mercury Retrograde, at least the part that’s happening in March, is actually the official end of that event as it’s a final reflection on this. Plus, this Mercury Retrograde also starts to wrap up Jupiter in Gemini. But that’s not even close to the same league as our next and final reason why this Mercury Retrograde is different. That honor goes to…
Neptune enters Aries: As if none of the above is enough, we’re getting a once-every-165-years event thrown into the mix that just so happens to be the start of a 14-year-long transit: Neptune, planet of illusion, intuition, compassion, altruism, drug abuse, and escapism (among many, many other things) is entering a new sign… and that sign is Aries. Again, this is happening during this Mercury Retrograde and in the same signs that this Mercury Retrograde impacts.
Neptune in Aries is a huge deal: an article to get you started on that event is here, and if you’d like my compilation on Neptune articles, you’ll find it here.
So, to summarize: the eclipses are happening in Pisces and Aries. Venus Retrograde starts in Aries and ends in Pisces (because retrogrades move backward). Neptune, an outer planet that takes 14 years to switch signs, not only enters a new sign but goes from Pisces to Aries. And Mercury in its retrograde moves back from Aries in Pisces. Gee, I wonder if there’s a pattern here. And remember, all of this is happening in a timeframe of March 14th to April 7th.
This Mercury Retrograde is not your typical Tuesday on a dewy spring morning – so what can we expect?

Mercury Retrograde: Birth Through Fire and Water
As you can see, the signs of Aries and Pisces are heavily involved in the skies right now. As Aries is all about our agency, our will to do something, our power as singular people, and even individualism, this Mercury Retrograde asks us to unapologetically take charge of our lives. More than this, Aries is all about a new beginning – with so much happening in the sky, we’re likely going to be shown where we need a new beginning in life, and how we can claim one.
There’s also an element here for pushing, rather than gently opening and receiving the newness coming to life: part of this includes a certain amount of pressure and strain, even if a lot here feels inevitable and to some extent beyond our control. And new beginnings require saying goodbye to who we used to be.
A good metaphor for this is giving birth: I once heard the claim that “birth takes no prisoners” in the sense that the act of giving birth, once it starts, claims the mother fully and changes her – transforming her to her core (regardless of whether the baby lives or even grows up with her). This also refers to the fact that this process takes a mother’s all and doesn’t allow for any real escape once it starts. This event feels the same way: it’s a new beginning that doesn’t start gently and that doesn’t abruptly fall into our laps, but that requires an intense process of metaphorical birth-giving and transformation as the new is ushered in.
… And there is no choice, either. A woman who’s pregnant is ultimately going to bring that baby out of her body one way or another – the how and when is only rarely up to her, and often not completely under her control (or what she would prefer). While this Mercury Retrograde asks us to take radical agency and make it something we’re in charge of, so much here is not up to us.
We get to choose how we react and how to use the fires we’re thrust into. We do not get to choose or control the flames.
A New Path
Part of this Mercury Retrograde is to reconsider the trajectory of your life as it is (so, casual stuff, right?) and where it’ll lead you if you continue. It’ll also illuminate slash thrust you on the path you’re meant to be on, whether you want to be there or would prefer something different. There’s something fated here… and also, a major energy of breaking free from the past and clearing what’s meant to be left behind.
By the way, this event has some major “return of old people in new circumstances” energy. In some cases, part of the “breaking free” requires kicking someone who’s returning to your life back to the curb, but there’s also a very big potential for some of you to reconnect and move forward with someone/something that you needed a break from, not an ending with. Please use your discernment (and obviously, if you don’t want someone returning to your life, you don’t have to let them in.)
Gender Roles
With this Mercury Retrograde tied to both the past Mars Retrograde and the co-present Venus Retrograde, both planets symbolizing masculinity and femininity are in the mix. There’s a major theme around genders, sexes, identity, and whatnot during this timeframe… and, it feels like there’s a real and tangible decision made on what path we’re choosing to walk when it comes to questions around gender/sex/… . There’s an element of reconsidering and learning from the past here, as well as brutal honesty around the root cause of conflict and confusion around these issues. Even if the questions around those topics return (and they’ll return after this event), the path chosen at this time will be irreversible for the next 165 years… and it’ll win over any attempts at bringing something different.

In the Signs:
In the sign predictions are a generalized interpretation for all people with a specific Sun sign or Rising (also known as Ascendant) sign. This obviously lacks the individual consideration needed to bring a full portrayal of how this event affects you – if you’d like to have that, please book a session. If my work so far has helped you, please consider donating to support my ad-free work. Thanks!
Shortcuts: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Recommended Reading.
This astrological event is a major new beginning and shows a fated event happening that impacts the way you view yourself. As March turns to April, a clearing of the past and an ending that allows you to fully prepare the way for your new reality.
This Mercury Retrograde requires you to slow down and rest more. Themes from the past are up for release and your intuition turns to hyperdrive (sleep may be an issue). As the month shifts, your social circle and goals for the future may be up for an unexpected new perspective.
This event impacts your friends, the goals you have for the future, and social media. Be extra careful with miscommunications and who you surround yourself with (true colors are revealed). As the month shifts, the themes of career, life purpose, and reputation become highlighted.
This Mercury Retrograde has a massive highlight on your career and how you move through the public-facing world. Authority figures (and your own authority over your life) are a massive theme at this time. As the month shifts, you’re guided to learn something new and challenge your beliefs.
This event asks you to reconsider/massively impacts your belief systems and what you know (or think) to be true. As the month shifts, an influx of truths revealed (and secrets uncovered) allows you to find what’s real. Intimacy, money, and intuition are secondary themes as well.
This astrological event impacts you deeply as potent life changes and transformation (at the very least from the inside) become the theme for this event. Intimacy and trust are highlighted – and, as the month shifts from March to April, so are relationships and commitments in general.
This Mercury Retrograde brings up massive conversations and reconsiderations to your relationships, especially the ones that require an element of commitment. As the month shifts, health and work matters are highlighted as well.
This astrological event impacts your work and the way you structure your life at large, as well as what you believe your purpose to be. As the month shifts, an added element of romance and romantic love enters the limelight and requires reconsideration. Inspiration and ideas may flourish.
This retrograde heavily impacts your creative life, any children/fertility-related themes in your life that you have, and your love life. As the month shifts, your family, home, and your physical and psychological roots require careful reconsideration.
This event focuses on your mental, spiritual, and physical home first as well as the people you trust the most and your family. As the month shifts, any travel- and communication-related endeavor becomes more prone to hiccups. Say what you need to say and use your voice wisely.
This Mercury Retrograde allows you to reconsider your previous perspective and to learn something new. You’re guided to use your voice and express yourself. As the month shifts, finances, and self-worth become an added theme for you.
This event focuses on your self-worth and your finances: this is a time to get your ducks in a row and make sure you’re not leaking money somewhere. As the month shifts, your lifepath and sense of identity become a major focus. Growth occurs.
That’s it for my article so far. If you’d like to go back to the articles mentioned above, here’s a list of them:
Recommended Reading:
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Astrology from the Soul