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The Year 2025: A Compilation of All Articles

Updated: 6 days ago

2025 is going to be a big year astrologically speaking. I won’t go into too much detail, but a lot of rare things are happening at once. This article is meant as a compilation so you can find what you’re looking for at one glance. This article will be updated with future articles as they’re published. If you’d like to stay up-to-date, too, subscribe here. You can also book a reading with me (for example, a Year Ahead Reading) to get more information on how to meet this year and make it count.


Let’s start with the things that stay the same.


2025 Overview

If you're interested in one overview article on the year, here is one! 2025: The Year of a New Dawn and Grand Finale. The Astrological Significance and How to Prepare. If you'd like to read about 2025 for your sign, subscibe to my newsletter here!

Ongoing Influences:

We start this year off with only one Outer Planet that stays constant, grounding us through a sea of change we’ll walk through: Pluto, the planet of transformation, has finally fully committed to Aquarius and will remain there until 2044. Catch up on all articles about this event here.


Another ongoing theme for 2025 is Neptune and Saturn entering a historic conjunction – historic because they cross back and forth between the first and last sign of the zodiac together. As this is rare and powerful, I have two articles for you:




Other than this, not much stays the same.


2025 From the Beginning

This year kicks off with a Mars Retrograde in the signs of Leo and Cancer. Until February 24th, it’ll affect your energy levels and much more: Read There Go Our Heroes: Mars Retrograde in Leo and Cancer (12/6/2024-2/24/2025) for further information.



In January then, we’ll see the axis of destiny change into Pisces and Virgo, sparking massive changes and transformation that impact this year in profound ways, and stay relevant till mid-2026: Read Embracing Destiny and Mystery: North Node (Rahu) in Pisces, South Node (Ketu) in Virgo (01/2025-08/2026) here. This also impacts the eclipses we’ll have (links coming soon).



In February, we have a Valentine's Day that's astrologically speaking highly significant. In this article, you can find a breakdown and advice of the astrology around this highly charged, romantic, and decision-heavy holiday.


March then is the part of the year where things really start ramping up.

We start with a Venus Retrograde in Aries and Pisces - read: Soul's Love to Heal Your Heart (March 2nd - April 13th, 2025) here!

Next up is a Mercury Retrograde in Aries and Pisces co-occuring with the Venus Retrograde: read Birth Through Fire and Water (March 15th - April 7th, 2025)

After this, the second eclipse takes place.

And lastly, Neptune is changing signs.


Neptune in Aries

Neptune, planet of intuition, mystery, and miracles, changes into Aries – starting a 14-year journey of massive new beginnings.


Neptune will be in this sign from March 30th to October 22nd, 2025, and then January 26th, 2026, till May 22nd, 2038, and then have its final stay from October 21st, 2038 to March 23rd, 2039.


I have 3 articles for you here that are relevant:


This one walks you through how Neptune in Aries changes our society at large and what to expect on a general level. Neptune in Aries and Our Changing Society: Fighting the Good Fight (03/2025-03/2039).


This one walks you through how Neptune in Aries impacts individuals on a personal level. Magic of Hope, Heroes, and Power: Neptune in Aries and its Personal Impact (03/2025-03/2039).


And this one builds on the former two and adds interpretations for each sign. Neptune in Aries and Its Effect on the Signs (03/2025-03/2039).


Between October 2025 and January 2026, Neptune moves back into Pisces, the sign it’s been in since 2011. That final stay will be a final goodbye and a wrapping up, so catch up here: Intuitive Kindness, Planting Dream Seeds: Neptune in Pisces (04/2011-01/2026).



In May, we see the next big change coming our way:


Saturn in Aries

Saturn has been in Pisces so far, a sign of release and endings, but it’ll start its journey in Aries on May 25th, 2025. It’ll dance between Aries and Pisces for the rest of the year, re-entering Pisces on September 1st and fully changing into Aries in February 2026. But this is a new beginning: and a powerful one.


Again, I have 2 articles for you.

This one walks you through the event, what to expect, and how to work with it: Saturn in Aries: The Eternal Flame (05/2025-04/2028).


The second article walks you through interpretations for your sign. Rivers of Magma: Saturn in Aries in the Signs (05/2025-04/2028).


Again, September 1st onward, Saturn dips back into Pisces, so: read Saturn in Pisces: End of Delusion, Building on Kindness (03/2023-02/2026).


For in-the-sign interpretations on Saturn in Pisces, read: Saturn in Pisces: Advice Sign by Sign (03/2023-02/2026).



Until June, Jupiter will remain in Gemini: After that, it’ll change signs into Cancer.




July will again see multiple changes. The main one is another sign change of a major planet:

Uranus in Gemini

Uranus, the fastest Outer Planet, remains in Taurus (the sign it’s been in since 2018) only until July: after that, it starts a new 8-year-journey through Gemini.



Recap of all Links:

This article will be updated with future articles. If you’d like to stay up-to-date, too, subscribe here.


Further Reading:

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Astrology from the Soul.


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