2025 sees the beginning of a historic conjunction (a.k.a. merging) of the planets Neptune and Saturn as they move back and forth between the first and last sign of the zodiac. This is a huge deal as it will affect us for decades to come, even if this is a shorter event.
Relevant Background Information for this Article:
As Neptune and Saturn will both be moving through Aries and Pisces, it’s important to read up on those events.
Neptune in Aries (this links to 1 of 3 articles – you can find the others in this compilation)
As for the actual Saturn-Neptune conjunction, I’ve already written a giant article discussing how this astrological event works and what it brings up for us personally and collectively. I won’t be repeating these points, so I encourage you to read up on them again here.
In this article, we’ll focus on in-the-sign predictions. If this article helps you, please consider leaving a donation to support my work!
Saturn and Neptune start a historic conjunction at the beginning of 2025 (facilitated by the North Node in Pisces) that stretches from then to mid-2026. The event will be exact, a.k.a. at its peak energy, on February 20th, 2026.

In the Signs:
What you’ll read now are generalized predictions that cannot account for the nuances in your personal astrological blueprint. For information that’s more tailored to you, please place it in the context of your natal chart.
Please check Sun and Rising Signs (ASC).
Shortcuts: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Further Reading.
This event is truly a new beginning for you… and it starts with a really big clearing of all external and internal factors that keep you stuck or that aren’t aligned with your future. During the times of Neptune and Saturn in Pisces (everything until Spring 2025 and Fall 2025 to early 2026), you might experience a lot of physical endings in your life, including but not limited to the end of old habits, stagnant or harmful relationships, and even life chapters. Past pain may come up to be released, including pain around things you’ve already thought you’d processed. On the plus side, this is also the beginning of a vision being born: your intuition is fired up and you might find yourself planting dream seeds and knowing why you’re here. At this time, choose trust in what is, even if you don’t understand it.
As soon as the planets move into Aries (Spring-Fall 2025 and January 2026 onward), the entire energy shifts and it’s not only possible but inevitable that you’re taking action: this is the time when you’re grounding your dreams into reality and begin a whole new life. Not only that, but you’ll find new facets of yourself you didn’t even know existed. This is the start of a whole new journey that won’t leave any part of your life untouched. For you especially, 2025 and 2026 will be years to remember.
This historic astrological event prepares you at the soul level – by showing you each and every single way your soul is not in alignment right now. This may lead to endings as things get stripped away (due to or outside of your own choices) that would harm you long-term or that can’t come with you into the future. This time (2025 to mid-2026) may be hard for you, but please know two things: one, it’s going to end, and two, it’ll set you up for a much better long-term future. Coming into or staying in alignment with what’s truly meant for us may be a difficult process, but once we’re there, it makes us feel alive and brings us much more blessings and joy than we can otherwise feel.
This is also a time when you get to tap into a rich and powerful world of spiritual and intuitive insights, faith, and healing. You might feel more lonely as your social circle and friend group may go through changes, but this will reveal who your true friends are – and build more sustainable and stronger connections between you and the people meant for you.
You’re being prepared for and led on the path of your long-term future: blessings will come, even if they’re under construction right now.
This astrological event absolutely prepares you for your long-term (lifelong!) future. This is a great time to listen to both your intuition and your longings/dreams and to get to work in creating them, as this will be a fertile time where you can achieve lots and lots of progress. This is also a time when the goals and dreams you have to get updated, for lack of a better word: they’re both updated by your soul’s alignment and updated by what’s realistic and actually good for you. So, you might see past dreams and goals you’ve had lose power and see new goals and dreams arise you’ll proudly live.
Secondly, your community, friend groups, and social media life will see some changes. Pay attention to what the people you trust tell you – about yourself, and your life. They have sight where you have blind spots. Ignoring them completely might be unwise.
This event might also change your reputation and career/public life in huge ways as your life’s mission (as you chose it) and career get updated by your soul’s purpose. Pay attention and make the changes you need to make.
This astrological event brings changes to your career life and shows you what your larger purpose in this life even is: and how you can make it real, a.k.a. live it out, build the structures and foundations that allow you to live your purpose, and release whatever holds you back. You can also set yourself free of dominating authority figures or other controlling people you have had issues getting away from (this requires you to act though).
During the time when these planets are in Pisces (until Spring 2025, Fall 2025 – early 2026), you may also have massive spiritual and/or faith-related awakenings as your entire belief system gets rebuilt to something more realistic, solid, and connected to the higher realms. You may go on a deeply profound learning journey and/or start to teach: as a matter of fact, this event prepares most of you to become a leader and authority in one way or another – in some cases, in small ways, in others, in much bigger capacities.
Stay in integrity and learn something new, and then you create the life and legacy you and your soul are proud of.

This astrological event impacts and updates your belief systems and makes you walk your talk and defend what you know to be true. Let’s start with the belief systems: spiritual, religious, political, philosophical, psychological, and other similar beliefs are going to change for you: you’re likely asked to become both more compassionate and open in some ways while really closing down your understanding nature and doubling down in other aspects – you’re even asked to stand up for what you believe. This process is fed by an upcoming deep awareness of the underbelly of life: the moments of trauma, deep suffering, potency, power, and life-changing truth that we as human beings can’t avoid, but would like to ignore. Potent transformation happens for you until early 2026, and this transformation becomes a lode star for your beliefs… and your decision to speak up about them.
Most importantly though, this is a time to stay in alignment and integrity with who you truly are, and what you deeply believe. Deep and powerful, life-changing experiences around intimacy, shared resources, power, and powerful transformation ask you to use your beliefs as a compass and reward you for making the right choice, even when it’s hard.
This astrological event impacts you by showing you the actual truth – no holds barred, no blinders, no illusions, no secrets anymore. What areas of life or situations this will be depends on the individual – but your eyes will be opened to what you couldn’t see before. At this time, pay extra attention to what you see, especially about the people around you, and be discerning about whether this is a person you wish to keep in your life and build with for the long haul… or whether the issues revealed are signs that they aren’t meant for you.
This is also a time of meeting soulmates and losing the kind of relationships you aren’t supposed to keep building on and a time of resurfacing relational grief. Take those feelings as information: maybe you don’t ever want to rekindle things with your ex, but the qualities you miss are indicators of what you truly care about and need in a partnership. Noting them, being honest about why you need them and if you can handle them, and then looking for that in others is a great process for finding good matches.
This is a transit that brings a potent time of healing for you, especially around issues of the heart. You’re asked to follow your intuition and trust where it leads you.
This event will show you who the people in your life truly are, deep down… and it will align you with the people meant for you. This includes setting you up with people who might stay for a lifetime, including in committed partnerships such as BFFs, business partners, and romance. This is a great time to make final decisions about partnerships, such as “to marry this person, or not to marry this person.” It’s also a great time to go looking for a forever kind of love (short-term love is not something you could look for and find at this time).
Most importantly, this is a time when you should believe what you see about the people around you as the truth will be revealed. Be careful not to get defeatist or depressed if you aren’t happy in relationships right now (which is unfortunately a potential): if you aren’t finding your people, then that means that you’re actively or subconsciously building the foundations that will allow you to meet your people later on.
Another theme at this time is cleaning house in your work, daily chores, and health-related matters. This is a time to pay attention to your body, commit to the habits and job that serve you and make you feel good (we’re not looking for perfect bliss, only for… you know, not getting sick or mental health issues WHILE getting the bills paid).
This event hits you in a quite personal area of your life: your health. Neptune conjunct Saturn in Aries may bring up all hidden or semi-hidden health issues you’ve been cooking in, which allows for a resolution (since Saturn especially actually helps you get healthy, provided you do the work and really apply yourself to get there). Plus, Neptune conjunct Saturn here may help you heal others and support your loved ones through healing journeys.
In work, Saturn conjunct Neptune is a final test on whether what you’re doing at your job (and with other work you do at this time, such as taking care of your home, caretaking others, or parenting) is actually the right fit for you, sustainable, economic, soul-led, and healthy for you. This is a time to take upcoming issues seriously and make changes to resolve them. If you can’t, it might be time to jump ship.
Another theme that’s highlighted is romance: is the person you’re considering as a romantic partner the type that’s there when the poop hits the proverbial fan? Are they someone you can stand to be around daily, and for the rest of your life? Is the relationship deep enough for any and everything life may throw at you? This transit will reveal it. Also, creative ideas may come at you like a freight train and spark projects for the foreseeable future – and they might grow into something truly exciting, so use this time (and take notes). Your children (if you have any) might need you while fertility might get wonky and unpredictable.

This Saturn-Neptune conjunction takes place in an area of your chart that has to do with family, especially the parenting of your children (if that applies to you). This might be a time of heightened fertility for unexpected pregnancies, while expected pregnancies may take a while to happen (I know, right?). Seeds may be planted that prepare you and your life for future generations and a future life with family. Similarly, seeds of change may be planted with your pre-existing children that lead to beautiful results but require more attention from you as a parent. Fertility issues can be addressed at their root cause.
However, not everyone’s meant for or will choose parenthood: for the people who don’t have and won’t have children, this event will play out in different areas of life. One of them is heightened creativity and an influx of ideas, as well as a heightened ability to see those creative projects come to fruition.
The other area that’s highly affected is love. This is a prime time to prepare for and meet the love of your life if you haven’t found them yet. This event will either connect you with a romantic partner you can build a life with, advance a pre-existing relationship that has the potential to go all the way, or alternatively, prepare you and your life in a quite foundational and transformative way so you can do so in the future. This is a great transit for love.
This event affects you in your private life, your home, and your family system. Neptune conjunct Saturn for you is a complete ending and severance of the past that haunts you, which allows you to create the life you crave on the deepest level. This can be deep forgiveness of your past, clearing conversations with your family, and a physical restart that brings the best things with you while putting the bad stuff to rest.
This might be a new beginning for your entire family in different ways as well: for instance, by the beginning of a fertility journey, meeting a spouse, entering parenthood, and/or meeting a new family member in other ways. This can also be a new beginning with new physical property: like a move.
In the time when Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces (until Spring 2025, and between Fall 2025 and January/February 2026), you might learn new skills and have valuable new beginnings in areas around communications, learning, teachings, local life, and/or the media. Trust the projects that come through and say what you need to say with confidence.
This astrological event affects you in the realm of writing and creating art (including film-making and multi-media art): you’ll have a huge influx of ideas and the capacity to take a project and make it into something truly great. But not just that: information may come to light for you that was either hidden or inaccessible to you before – and it’s often game-changing information. You might see the culmination of a path of learning (whether that’s an actual school/apprenticeship, or a path of learning you’ve dabbled in as a hobby) as things click into place.
You might find yourself completely rebuilding and eventually settling into a more solid sense of self and self-worth, as well as figuring out sustainable, ethical, and true values you can stay in integrity with and judge others by.
Lastly, your finances might be seeing a new beginning heralded by an ending – but the new beginning will get you far and be a positive new start.
This Saturn-Neptune conjunction is a bigger deal for you than for most… and it affects your lifepath as a whole. Where your life as such is in alignment with your soul, you will thrive at this time – including by unexpected financial windfalls and serendipitous events that allow you to create an even better life. You may feel a rise in your self-confidence and self-worth and create a foundation that sustains you essentially forever (well… you’ll have to keep doing some work, but the foundation’s still amazing and very long-lasting).
You’ll be realizing who you truly are inside and what your greatest qualities are. Some people will also have an intuitive or spiritual awakening at this time, and you’ll be well able to make your dreams reality – right away, or in a long-term process.
Where you aren’t in soul alignment, this astrological event will hit you hard emotionally and in your physical life. Please pay attention to what’s not working and make sure to try and address these issues. This might lead to the soul-aligned path you’re craving you’d have.
Further Reading:
Mentioned in this article:
Saturn-Neptune conjunction (2025-2026)
Saturn in Pisces general and in the signs (03/2023-02/2026)
Neptune in Pisces (2011-2026)
Neptune in Aries general, personal, and in the signs (2025-2039)
Saturn in Aries general and in the signs (05/2025-04/2028)
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Hope you liked this article! Sending you love,